The Stardoll Version of NOH8, which was founded in late 2010 by Juciimami827, supports a lot of problems that deserve awareness. Race, The SS and NonSS Division, Bullies, Sexuality and more. The list grows everyday - Literally!
NOH8 allows people everyday to sign a petition that states what certain stardollians stand for. If NOH8 comes across a vital issue in not only Dollyworld, but also the Real world, not being stood up for it is added to the list. This project is to create social awareness, and to show testimonials of not only elites, but everyday stardollians about what they believe. NO HATE.
Hi everyone, how have you been? How was you vacation? Well, I was crazy to get back to our game. Since my blog HOT BUYS addicted ( completed it's 2nd birthday on february's 4th, I decide to celebrate with everyone wearing HOT BUYS!
When the first thing you notice in a medoll’s suite is a hamster falling in love with a gerbil, you know you are dealing with an animal lover! KWcat’s suite is a happy playground for a flying elephant, a lovesick hamster, a shy gerbil, a loveable liger and an assortment of kitty cats that would make any cat lover proud. Throw in a black and tan hound and a three headed dog and you have an endearing menagerie to delight visiting medolls. This artistic fashionista decorates her suite with a touch of whimsy that is bound to make you smile. KWcat says, “They are the sweetest! They are all over my suite getting into trouble.” Play a delightful game of hide and seek, and look for these pampered pets as you ooh and ah over her beautiful rooms. Her style is “different everyday”. You can return many times to her palace of pets, and there is always something new to see. Put this stop on your travel plans!
- It's more than known that the greatest dream for a stardollian is to reach the cover of Stardoll's Magazine, both for those who have ever been in such a place as well as for those you haven't yet. Many want to relive that dream and many more want to accomplish it for the first time.
- A continuación, las opiniones y los mejores consejos de expertas en materia de Covergirl...
- Hi everyone, I'm back from travelling and also back to action here in the mag. I'm already thinking of something for the next wednesday, get ready! For this post I invited the well-known for her great style, Style_Magazine to help me. Hope you like it
- ¡Hola chicas! He pensado que a todas nos encanta la moda y Stardoll nos ofrece un sinfín de ropa maravillosa para crear nuestros conjuntos y hacer así un estilo propio con mucha imaginación. Pero, por qué no aprovechar también los ítems de la SUITE SHOP? Como ya he dicho, con la imaginación se abren numerosos caminos...
Sobretodo os será muy útil en vuestro ÁLBUM, ya que se pueden ajustar perfectamente todos los objetos en vuestras medolls.
Articulo destacado: "Peligros en Internet: Cyberbullying"ChelsieSK
Articulo destacado: "¡TIPS PARA AHORRAR EN STARDOLL!"Milagros1000
Articulo destacado: "UN POEMA"Beluchiitaa28
Articulo destacado: "Favoritos personales - Concurso!"lolitam2321
Articulo destacado: "Stan Stan Stan!"starjenni12
Articulo destacado: "¡Sorteo de Navidad!"