Julio 2015
- Isobel.Stardoll
Find out who this celebrity is with our clues.
- Isobel.Stardoll
- hayliesulamita
- Los Pioneros de la Moda
- hayliesulamita
- Real.StarGirl
Three tips for your summer look.
- Real.StarGirl
- Moosycakes
What's your dream Callie's Picks theme? If you have a great idea for a theme and want to let Callie know, there are a few ways you can do just that.
- Moosycakes
- Stardoll Admin
Your favorite contest is back!
- Stardoll Admin
- Milagros1000
- Donna Karan New York
- Milagros1000
- Waddles
I love the new floor release we got from RIO. This store is one of my favourites on Stardoll.
- Waddles
- HATECHAINMAILS28 Articulo destacado: "TIPS PARA MSW 2020"
- ChelsieSK Articulo destacado: "¡TIPS PARA AHORRAR EN STARDOLL!"
- Milagros1000 Articulo destacado: "UN POEMA"
- Beluchiitaa28 Articulo destacado: "Favoritos personales - Concurso!"
- DivaEstefani07 Articulo destacado: "Superstar gratis?"
- agusber25 Articulo destacado: "Tendencia: layering Otoño-Invierno 2019"
- lolitam2320 Articulo destacado: "Stan Stan Stan!"