- Γεια σας φίλοι μου. Ελπίζω να είστε καλά! Σήμερα θα σας μιλήσω για κάτι τόσο αιώνιο, τόσο διαχρονικό, τόσο μοναδικό και τόσο αγαπητό και σεβαστό. Για το ποιοτικό βιβλίο!...
- Σήμερα θέλω να σας διηγηθώ μία ιστορία.. Παλιά βέβαια, αλλά έχει χαραχθεί στο μυαλό μου και πάνω από όλα στην καρδιά μου..
- One Direction's member Harry Styles got dinner with Rod Stewart and his family on Thursday night for unknowm reason, but sources claim that is might be some love feelings involved. A report came out early Friday morning that claimed that Harry was "kissing and holding hands" with Rod's famous daughter, Kimberly. It's time for some speculation guys!
What do you think? Love is in the air? (celebuzz)
- Γεια σας και πάλι =) Παρακάτω, μπορείτε να διαβάσετε τις συμβουλές από την SmileySofaki!
- We think we might have the best news ever for all you Directioners out there. One Direction is recording their third studio album right now Huffingtonpost reveals, and it is said to be released around Christmas this year!
Louis Tomlinson revealed a few things about it in an interview: "We've been writing and recording it while on tour. We don't want to rush it but it will be out for Christmas", he said.
Their latest album, Take Me Home, was released in November 2012, and has been one of the best-selling releases of the year.
- Γεια σας αγαπημένοι μου φίλοι! Ελπίζω να είστε όλοι καλά! Λυπάμαι που για αρκετό καιρό δεν έγραφα εδώ στο Starblog, αλλά ήμουν ιδιαίτερα απασχολημένη με τα μαθήματά μου! Σήμερα λοιπόν, θα σας μιλήσω για το Πάσχα που έρχεται!
- All Miley fans should rejoice, cause the wait for Miley Cyrus to get into the studio and make some new music is almost over. Now that she and her fiancé Liam Hesworth have put the wedding plans on the shelf, Princess Mileybird is working on a brand new album and even though she hasn't revealed details about the timeline of her upcoming releases, but sources claim that the first single will be released this summer. Miley says: “All I do is focus on my music.The only place I ever am is at the studio.” (celebuzz)
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