Μετά την καταμέτρηση των ψήφων σας, το πιο αγαπητό λουλούδι βγήκε το...
Όλοι έχουμε παραπονεθεί έστω και μία φορά για τα δώρα των γενεθλίων μας που δεν ήταν αρκετά...
Ή για το ότι δεν έχουμε τόσο τέλειο κινητό ή ακόμη και για τα ρούχα μας που σίγουρα δεν είναι σαν αυτά εδώ στο Stardoll...
Αχ, αχ, αχ, αχ… η ‘’Μουσική’’! Μια τόσο όμορφη τέχνη με πάλι βάση το Πάθος και την Εκφραστικότητα! Εδώ έχουμε και μεγαλύτερη Φαντασία! Πω, πω, πω νομίζω ότι κανείς δε θα σταματήσει να του αρέσει η Μουσική! Αυτή η τέχνη σε διάφορες μορφές υπάρχει από τα προϊστορικά χρόνια, από τότε που άνθρωπος πάτησε για πρώτη φορά στη Γη…
Στην Ιαπωνία, ένα από τα πιο γνωστά σύμβολα της άνοιξης είναι οι ροζ κερασιές που ονομάζονται Sakura.
- Hello, dollies! Most of you have probably noticed that the new LE season has just come out! The collection is filled with many lovely pieces this time around, and I'm very excited about them all! My two favorite pieces from the collection are the LE Spike tee and the quilted flounce skirt. I have nothing but great things to say about the new Limited Edition! If you haven't seen it yet, you should definitely go have a look at it. Make sure you're quick, or it might be too late! The pieces are selling out fast! Here are several of the new, wanted items!
I'm really surprised by the amount of people on Stardoll who look like they're Royalty but aren't actually Royalty, and I mean Royalty in both ways- "queen" royalty, and Stardoll Royalty! Here are a few dolls that really caught my eye!
Here is milkmilkpep!
- AliceIzzy454 here! I was requested to make a green themed makeup tutorial! This look is mainly Green with Gold and Yellow but other similar colours will do. If you do not like green, use a different colour in the same way!
Here is a natural soft look make-over for any day of the week. I know most of you guys like these kinds of looks, so here is another one :) A bit different from my last natural look tutorial.
- As in some parts of the world, it FINALLY became warmer, I was walking down the streets with my friends. I was horrified by the outfits of the girls I saw - not because some colors didn't match together or something, but because the colors were dark and made me feel it was colder than it really was.
Wow! I can't believe Spring is already here! Seems like just yesterday was winter with snow falling from the sky. In honor of the first day of Spring, I wanted to share with you a Spring makeup tutorial with many bright seasonal colors!
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