Today I uploaded a new Stardoll makeup video. It's themed on a 'girly & pink' spring look.
I hope you like it! :D
Stardoll is a beautiful place, where everyone can be themselves! I asked many dollies what makes them unique? What sets them apart from other dolls? Here are there answers:
- Hello, dollies! Some of you may remember a very talented designer here on Stardoll from several years ago. We haven't seen to many of her designs in the top spots lately. Her username is Joanne1305. Joanne is still an active user, and she still does some designing. If this name doesn't ring a bell, go have a look at her suite and doll! I'm sure you'll love it just as much as I do! Joanne loves architecture and design. Her favorite color is pink, and she is a Taylor Swift fan. Here's a picture of Joanna and some of her famous old designs! Enjoy!
Hey everyone! I have yet another amazing Superstar Stardoll Role Model, but she is not the Superstar you're thinking of! She's MY KIND OF SUPERSTAR! She doesn't have a paid membership, but her outfit makes you think she is! You'll know what I mean if you take a look ABOVE! Also, take a look in her suite! A little sneak peek is also located AT THE VERY TOP! No, her suite isn't big and flashy, but I also have another suprise: She's only Level 10! Are you hungry for ANOTHER awesome Non-Superstar?! If you answered, "Yes," then stay tuned for my next entry, which will also feature an interview! Type to ya later! :D
For me, street chic is a casual outfit with a statement item for example in the first picture the bag is the statement item, in the second it`s the shorts and in the third it`s the bag again. Baggy / shorter tops and jumpers are also a huge part of street style along with infinity scarfs, baseball boots and skinnies. I adore street chic - especially the statement items, but what`s your faveourite part? Tell me in comments! More style posts coming up soon,
Πέμπτο και τελευταίο μέρος. Έβαλα πολλές απαντήσεις διότι όλα αυτά τα μέλη είχαν να πουν και κάτι διαφορετικό. Ελπίζω να σας άρεσε και να μην σας κούρασε.
Άν σας άρεσαν τα προηγούμενα άρθρα για το θέμα του αν σας αγχώνει η εικόνα σας τότε διαβαστε και αυτό!
Το τρίτο μέρος (ελπίζω να σας αρέσει) και ακολουθούν και άλλα!
Η συνέχεια του άρθρου "Έχεις άγχος με την εικόνα σου και το πώς πρέπει να παρουσιάζεσαι;"
Από την ηλικία κατα την οποία ο άνθρωπος ξεκινά να διαλέγει τι θα φορέσει, τίθεται το ερώτημα τού "Φοράς το ρούχο ή σε φοράει;" Με λίγα λόγια ντύνεσαι για να αρέσεις σε εσένα ή στους άλλους. Την απάντηση για μια ακομα φορά έδωσαν τα μέλη του Interview club.
Η ερώτηση που τους έθεσα ήταν: Έχεις άγχος με την εικόνα σου και το πως πρέπει να παρουσιάζεσαι; Ας δούμε τι απάντησαν!
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