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Gift of Giving

πριν 79 μήνες

Bonjour Dolls!

Image result for stardoll gift box

Here are some ways to show the dolls in your life(and the people in your life) that you care!

 Giving Gifts on Stardoll:

- You don't need to give gifts using Stardollars to make somebody's day. Simply leaving a heartfelt Guestbook message can make dolls really happy. (even if it's a personalized 'spam' message!)
- If you do want to send a gift in somebody's Suite, a great idea is Starcoin flowers. You can't go wrong buying flowers and it's hearfelt because you personally pick them out depending on the suite!
- However, don't be that doll who gifts 'Hi Cupcakes' to a random dolls because the excitement of opening an unexpected gift should not be quashed by them! It's fine sending them to friends or sending them for a academy project or daily challenges, but otherwise avoid the easy and cheesy gift option!

Giving Gifts in Real Life:
- You don't need a lot of money for this option either! Simply giving a heartfelt compliment is a great option as well!
- You should also try making hand made cards and putting in a little messge for the person; it's so special receiveing hand-made presents!


Au revoir mes amis,
Bisous! x


Happy Gifting!


