Σεπτέμβριος 2012
I currently only have the Shampoo and this shampoo does make my hair smooth, but it doesn't tame my frizzy dry hair. So, what I do is use a deep conditioner. I will only wash my hair every other day. The more you wash, the more it will leave your hair dry. When looking for a shampoo, look for a creamy color. Shampoos that are clear aren't good for dry/frizzy hairs.
- Amanda Bynes is banned from the roads! F-i-n-a-l-l-y we'd say.. The DMV just suspended her driver's license because of two hit-and-run charges this week. It's not yet decided how long Amanda's suspension will last, and she herself hasn't commented on the incident yet. Following her DUI charge Amanda posted a message to President Barack Obama on Twitter saying: "Hey @barackobama... I don't drink. Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don't hit and run. The end." Yea, we bet you don't drink... Hrmf... (latimes)
- In my latest post, I typed about Spring Outfits. I realise many people are arguing because they say "It's not even close to spring." Well just a quick note about something! ..
Αποφάσισα μετά από καιρό (αφού το είχα ξανακάνει με κάτι Σμυρνέικα κουλουράκια), να γράψω τη συνταγή για τον Κορμό σοκολάτας ή αλλιώς Μωσαϊκό!
Όλες θέλουμε να είμαστε εντυπωσιακές και μερικές υπερβάλουμε, φορώντας υπερβολικά ρούχα...
Παρακάτω θα δείτε την εκτέλεση και την συνέχεια του προηγούμενου μου άρθρου για το πως να φτιάξετε παγωμένο πεπόνι με σιρόπι βανίλια! ;)
Μπορεί το καλοκαίρι σιγά σιγά να τελειώνει, αλλά σας έχω μία συνταγή που θα γεμίσει την κουζίνα σας με άρωμα καλοκαιριού!!
Today I’m going to discuss the inspiration for one of my suite rooms – my World Peace Café! The inspiration came from a little café near where I live, which is run by volunteering Buddhist monks and nuns.
- Katy Perry has had basically all hair colors, but now she's gone back to where she once started, to black! She's cut her hair short and showed off a very dark look at an event the other night. What do you guys say, hot or not? Vote!
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