Gossip girl
- Did you know Gossip Girl star Blake Lively is not the only actress in her family? Last night at an event for Smartphone Blake brought along her older half sister Robyn Lively as her date and we bet, like us, you have seen her face before! She has been in TV shows like "The Mentalist", "Saving Grace" and "30 Rock". We love her curly red hair! See beauty and talent really is in the genes!
- Katie Cassidy was seen wearing this blue and silver Carolina Herrera dress on the set of Gossip Girl recently while Ivanka Trump was her usual elegant glam self at Elton John's AIDS Foundation benefit this weekend in the same dress. Who do you think wears the dress better?
- Das hier trug Gossip Girl-Star Blake Lively am vergangenen Wochenende bei den Scream Awards in Los Angeles. Wir können uns nicht entscheiden, ob wir es lieben oder hassen!
- This is what Gossip Girl star Blake Lively wore to the Scream Awards in Los Angeles over the weekend. We just cannot decide if we love it or hate it! We think the dress flatters her figure and everything, but something is off...is it the hair or the makeup or the way she styled this look or are we crazy? Vote!
- Taylor Momsen zeigte sich am Wochenende am Set von Gossip Girl mit ihrer üblichen Bad Girl-Attitüde mit Zigarette und Schlaberlook. In der Haut ihrer Rolle Jenny trug sie ein Outfit in einer der Farben der Saison - grau!
- Taylor Momsen walked around the set of Gossip Girl this weekend with her usual bad girl attitude smoking cigarettes and looking moody. Dressed as her character Jenny she wore an outfit in one of this this season's hottest colors - gray! It was a heavily layered effect starting with a bandage dress, fishnets and gray leather boots, covered in an oversized sweater and a plaid jacket and finished off with her usual huge sunglasses and red lips. Is this a look you would copy?Vote!
- If you have been watching the new season of Gossip Girl, then you will know that new character Juliet Sharp, played by Katie Cassidy, is definitely trouble! She is lying to Chace Crawford's character Nate and has something against Blake Lively's character Serena, but we don't know what it is quite yet... We spotted Katie and Chace, Blake and Penn Badgley filming scenes for Gossip Girl yesterday in Manhattan and it looks like the gang is going to close in on Katie's character for a real Gossip Girl show down and we can't wait! Take a look:
- Spielverderber-Alarm! Falls ihr nicht wissen wollt, was in der Gossip Girl-Staffel alles passieren könnte, dann schaut euch diese Bilder nicht an!
- Spoiler alert! If you don't want to know anything about what might happen in Gossip Girl later on in the season, don't look at these pictures!
- Könnt ihr es auch kaum erwarten, bis die neue Gossip Girl Staffel endlich ausgestrahlt wird?! Es wird ein unglaublich spannender Start werden!
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