Fashion show
- Kardashian reality star, Kylie Jenner, recently walked at New York Fashion Week for Avril Lavigne's collection, Abbey Dawn! Kylie looked super fierce with maroon dyed tips and dressed in Avril's signature punk chic style! Will Kylie move from reality to runway? We hope so! But we suspect that Kylie's older brother, Brody Jenner, who's dating Avril, may have had something to do with this!
- It's not only the ladies of Hollywood who take pride in their fashion sense and work some fabulous outfits, the men enjoy dressing up too! These hot men love showing of their personal style on and off the redcarpet. Since they usually don't have hair and jewlery to enhance their outfits, the men have to work harder at being noticed and these men are the ones we love to notice!
- Wir kennen all die Outfit auf den roten Teppichen und Events. Aber was tragen Promis, wenn sie in der ersten Reihe von einer angesagten Modenschau sitzen? Lasst es uns herausfinden. Hier sind Stars in der ersten Reihe - einige atemberaubend, einige versuchten zu viel - genießt selber!
- We all know their style on the red carpet and their street styles. But what do celebrities really wear when they sit front row at the most prestigious fashion shows? Lets find out. Here are some front-rowers, looking stunning and others trying too hard to be edgy....enjoy!
- Designer Zac Posen has a habit of making every model that walks his runway show his best friend. Backstage at his Fall/Winter 2011 show at Paris Fashion Week models and fashion personalities alike gathered to blow off some steam - and of course looked fabulous while doing so. Check out the pictures below!
- Wow, Lady Gaga made an appearance on the runway in Paris Fashion Week, where her friend Nicola Formichetti gave his first showing for Ready To Wear as the Creative Director for the house of Mugler! The show was exciting enough, but the real action happened outside! As soon as word got out Lady Gaga was in town, fans stormed the streets and caused total chaos as she tried to get in her car after the show. The fans really are as crazy as she is!
- Die Burberry Show ist eines der Modehighlights der Londoner Fashion Week. Das populäre britische Label ist außerdem die Lieblingsmarke vieler Promis, daher kommen gewöhnlich viele schicke Stars zur Show! Dieses Jahr waren es unter anderem Rachel Bilson, Kate Bosworth und Alexa Chung, die eine Einladung in die erste Reihe erhielten und wir entdeckten sie draußen kurz vor der Show. Hier könnt ihr euch die Bilder anschauen - wer war eurer Meinung nach am besten gekleidet?
- The Burberry show is one of the main highlights of London Fashion Week. The iconic British brand is also a celebrity favorite, so its star-watching hot spot every time too! This year fashionistas like Rachel Bilson, Kate Bosworth and Alexa Chung were all invited to sit front row and we spotted them right before the show, outside. Here is a peak at what they were wearing! Who do you think was best dressed?
- Und weiterhin heißt es: Es ist London Fashion Week! Wir lieben sie, weil es in London die ganz verrückte Mode zu sehen gibt, nicht nur die schöne und trendige... und auch die Fashion Girls sind ein wenig anders. Die Londoner Mädels haben ihren eigenen Style, wie uns Modeikone Alexa Chung jedes Mal auf's Neue lehrt. Hier sind ein paar der modischsten Frauen, die wir auf der Fashion Week gesehen haben!
- So as we keep saying, Its London Fashion Week! We love it because you get to see all the freaky fun fashions in London, not just the pretty and trendy...the front row fashionistas are a bit different too. The London girls have a style all of their own, as style icon Alexa Chung keeps proving every time you see her. Here are some of the most fashionable girls we spotted while running around Fashion, you may recognise some of them...wink!
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