The hunger games
- Rebel Wilson, as you probably recognize from Pitch Perfect, has said she thinks Jennifer Lawrence is the hottest woman on the planet - and now she might get to hang out with her in the near future, since she's rumored to have a role in the new The Hunger Games movie.
"Um, seriously, I have a meeting about being in The Hunger Games. Yes", Rebel confirmed adding: "That's all I'll say...Yeah, because there aren't a lot of roles open, because they've all already been cast, but that would be awesome. I'd love to be in The Hunger Games." No one from the production has confirmed or denied what Rebel said.
- Have we mentioned how much we love all these wonderful Hollywood red carpet events? Well, we most certainly do, and we're super excited for this year's Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards! Big names such as Kristen Stewart, Justin Bieber and One Direction are nominated for different awards and we just can't WAIT to see them all rocking the red carpet. We're also super curious on what will happen between The Biebs and Selena Gomez, who's also a nominee. Check out the full list below! Who will get your vote?
- We know you guys LOVE 'The Hunger Games', and just in time to this premiere-weekend, we got something hilarious for you! This is an awesome mashup of the electronic beats of Rihanna's hit "We Found Love" and words based on the Katniss-Peeta relationship. You have to check out this "We Found Love" parody, we bet you HG-fans gonna love it! Check out the video below!
- So the Hunger Games finally premieres this weekend and we are psyched! But we're having a hard time choosing between Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson. Both are adorable and hot in their own ways and just when we lean towards Liam, Josh steals our heart! So here's the battle of all battles: who is your Hunger Games hottie? Let the games begin!
- Later this month it's finally time for The Hungers Games to hit the theaters in the U.S. and based on the INSANE ticket sales we predict that it is going to be a record-breaking opening weekend! The promotional campaign has already ensured that it will have a massive opening weekend later this month, but early tracking suggests that it could be even bigger than Twilight, making over $100 million when it opens. Based on initial tracking, both box-office observers and exhibitors are saying that The Hunger Games could make close to $100 million during its opening weekend! That's crazy!The first Twilight movie opened to nearly $70 million. Do you think that HG will surpass it?
- The most high anticipated movie of 2012 must be The Hunger Games and we got even more excited about it now! Taylor Swift just announced a brand new song that will be featured on the soundtrack. The song is called Safe & Sound and we think it's just amazing! It's a bit different from what we've heard before from Taylor but so beautiful and we can't wait to hear it in the movie! (perezhilton)
Listen to Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars new song now!
- OMG! They just realized the full trailer for The Hunger Games and it looks amazing. Absolutely amazing! And yes, it looks better than Twilight. Don't you think that Jennifer Lawrence looks completely like how you imagined Katniss? We really can't wait for this movie to release! Watch the trailer and let us know what you think!
- We had surprise after surprise at the VMAs and one of the best surprises was the release of The Hunger Games teaser trailer! In the trailer you can see Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen and Liam Gallagher narrates as his character, Gale! There's also a snippet at the very end of what we think is Rue's Lullaby! We love The Hunger Games so much!
Check out the trailer and let us know what you think!
- Die VMAs bescherten uns jede Menge Überraschungen und die beste Überraschung war die Veröffentlichung des Teaser-Trailers von "Die Tribute von Panem"! Im Trailer sieht man Jennifer Lawrence als Katniss Everdeen und Liam Gallagher spricht in seiner Rolle Gale!
- Ok, Fans von "Die Tribute von Panem", haltet euch fest! Lionsgate hat gerade angekündigt, dass auch das zweite Buch der Triologie "Gefährliche Liebe" verfilmt werden wird! Der Film soll fast zwei Jahre nach dem ersten Teil in die Kinos kommen. Ihr müsst euch also noch etwas gedulden (bis zum 22. November 2013). Obwohl wir die Nachricht toll finden, fragen wir uns, ob sich Lionsgate nicht zu weit aus dem Fenster lehnt...
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