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- Wie viele von euch wissen, hat Demi Lovato eine dunkle Vergangenheit mit Bulemie, Selbstverletzung und Drogenabhängigkeit. Sie sagte schon mehrfach, dass sie so froh darüber ist, Selena Gomez in ihrem Leben zu haben: "Ich kann mich glücklich schätzen, jemanden wie sie in meinem Leben zu haben."
- Well, it's over between Lady Gaga and "Vampire Diaries" star, Taylor Kinney. The two dated for about 10 months and even though it wasn't the most serious relationship, we're sad to see them break up! The reason? Lady Gaga is getting ready to go on a huge tour next year and doesn't want to be held down by a relationship. Sources are also saying that maybe Gaga and Taylor's relationship started for the wrong the reasons, "She loved that she got this guy who everyone thought was hot! But it was never going last." Maybe she will write a song about it? (usmagazine)
- Kristin Cavallari and her fiance, Jay Cutler, are expecting a baby boy. "New toys, a baby on the way -- he's having a boy -- I'm excited for Jay" one of Jay's friends revealed. However, the couple has not yet confirmed their baby's gender. In a recent interview, Kristin opened up about her surprise pregnancy. "We weren't trying to have a kid, but we weren't not trying," she explained. "We left it up to fate. I knew there was a possibility but I was really excited! Even if you are trying, just to see a positive result is shocking!" The couple have put their wedding plans on hold and are even planning on having more kids! "We were talking about the possibility of having another kid right away and then getting married so we can have two kids close in age," she said. "We want four kids, so we're thinking maybe have one more, then get married, then have two more. But we'll see -- it all depends on how the first one goes." Congrats to Kristin and Jay, we're so happy for you! (usweekly)
- Kim Kardashian ist noch nicht geschieden von Kris Humphries und nun plant sie bereits ihre nächste Hochzeit mit ihrer neuen Liebe Kanye West! Kimye habe ihre Romanze erst vor einem Monat öffentlich gemacht und nun wollen sie der Welt beweisen wie erst es ihnen damit ist: "Sie sprechen definitiv über eine Hochzeit."
- Miley Cyrus is being considered as a potential fourth judge on X Factor. Miley is one of the stars who is on Simon Cowell's top-secret shortlist that also includes Fergie, Avril Lavigne and Demi Lovato. "There have been talks with Miley," a source revealed. The talks to bring Britney Spears on board to the show continued to drag on and she now have some competition. "Britney’s deal is not done, it’s close, but we are not that far ahead to be making a formal announcement," a source says. So, what do you think of Miley as a possible judge? (celebuzz)
- Welcome to the world Maxwell Drew Johnson! Yesterday morning Jessica Simpson finally gave birth to a little baby girl. The little newborn reportedly weighted 9 Ibs. 13 ounces and "Mother and baby are doing just fine,", a close source tells. Jessica is thrilled about the birth and she shared the news herself on her website: "Eric and I are elated to announce the birth of our baby Maxwell Drew Johnson 9 lbs. 13 oz. 21 3/4,", she wrote this Tuesday. "We are so grateful for all of the love, support and prayers we have received. This has been the greatest experience of our lives!", Jessica continued. We're so happy for them, and we can't wait to see little baby girl Maxwell! (people)
- Kristen Stewart war immer ein unsicher, wenn es um Mode geht. Deswegen ist es ein wenig überraschend, dass sie nun an der Spitze der List der bestgekleideten Frauen 2012 von der britischen Glamour steht!
- Als Beyonce bekannt gab, dass sie schwanger ist, haben wir uns alle für sie gefreut. Aber dann sind eine Menge merkwürdiger Sachen passiert. Manchmal schien er Babybauch RIESIG zu sein und manchmal war er ganz klein. Und dann haben wir sie gesehen, wie sie sich hinsetzte und wir dachten ihr Babybauch würde dich zusammenfalten.
- Es gibt brandneue Gerüchte, dass Katie Holmes wieder schwanger sein soll! Ihre Tochter Suri Cruise ist jetzt 6 Jahre alt, daher wäre es an der Zeit für weiteren Nachwuchs. Ehemann Tom Cruise ist natürlich total glücklich!
- Glückwünsche sind angebracht für Lindsay Lohan- sie hat endlich einen guten Job bekommen! Es gab jede Menge Gerüchte, dass Lilo Elizabeth Taylor im Lifetime Film "Liz and Dick" spielen würde und sie hat den Job!
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