Style spotlight
- Wir ihr wisst, sind bunte Hosen mit Mustern total angesagt. Blumenmuster sind genau unser Ding und sehen mit einfachen Shirts super schick aus. Klickt euch durch Bilder von Olivia Palermo, Vanessa Hudgens und Kristen Stewart, die den Trend genauso lieben wie wir!
- We just adore French actress Marion Cotillard! She always has such fresh style and looks amazing in everything. We really love her laidback street style! The yellow tank top, jeans, white slip-on shoes, and hat= perfection! This is such a perfect summer day outfit, we think we will copy it!
- The summer is here and it's time to hide the dark and black winterwardrobe! Now it's time for a brighter wardrobe and what's better than the big trend every summer, the white pants? Go and buy a pair of white pants and you will not regret it! Look at the pictures and get inspiration of how to combine your pants.
- We absolutely love Ashley Greene's sense of style, she's basically never done a fashion mistake we know of. Never! Her super chic outfit truly shows that sometimes less is very much more, wearing a cute tank top and a pair of dark jeans. Click on the pics and check out her street style look, we're sure you're gonna love it!
- Der Sommer ist da wir alle gedeckten und dunklen Farben werden weit hinten im Kleiderschrank verstaut.
- Wir lieben die bezaubernde, französische Schauspielerin Marion Cotillard! Sie hat so einen erfrischenden Stil und kann alles tragen.
- Wir lieben Ashley Greenes Sinn für Mode, sie macht eigentlich nie modische Fehltritte. Nie! Dieses superschicke Outfit zeigt uns mal wieder, dass weniger mehr ist
- Nicky Hilton looks so ready for the warmer weather in her short floral skirt and tank top. We love how she went with an all purple look: skirt, tank, and bag. Even her earrings have hints of purple. To help break up the look, Nicky went with tan leather heels and turquoise ring. Cute look, Nicky!
- It's Celeb 101- you have to be fit and hot to be an A-Lister! So stars spend A LOT of time at the gym, which can be boring day after day. So of course our favorite celebs spice things up with hot outfits. Click on the pics to see which celebs look hot despite the sweat.
- We rarely see Rachel Bilson starring in any big movies anymore, but she sure knows how to dress well! We spotted her rocking a super cute blue top, matched with a pair of wide black pants and this year's big trend: neon! We totally want her heels! Click on the pics for further inspiration!
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