Celebrity insider
- Celebs have a free pass when it comes to crazy fashion and we agree, with Fuze it's better when you mix things up! But sometimes we wonder, could we actually wear that in public? Like, we totally love Lady Gaga's hair bow but it's a bit extreme!We get a lot of inspiration from how our fave fashionistas express themselves but when it comes to our own fashion, we're a bit tame. We put together our favorite insane fashion looks and then how we'd actually wear them on the street. How about you, how do you mix up your wardrobe? All out crazy or a bit held back?
- We had to do a double take when we saw these photos of Eva Longoria in the cockpit of an airplane. Like, was she really flying a plane and if so, shouldn't we be running far, far away? Thankfully, the plane stayed on the ground and Eva was just hanging out with the pilot. Whew! We were seriously scared!
- It's easy to think of your favourite celebrity as an icon rather than a person, a person who is someone's brother or sister. The names of celebrities have become world famous brands, and for the people who share their last names, it's bound to come with some side effects. Allow us to introduce you to the brothers and sisters of your favourite celebrity super stars!
- Das ist eine gute Frage. Waren sie schon immer so schön wie jetzt auf dem roten Teppich? Hatte Scarlett Johansson vor ein paar Jahren schon ihre tolle Figur und wie sah Anna Paquin aus? Hier geben wir euch ein paar Beispiele, wie Stars in Kinder- oder Teenagertagen aussahen! Genießt sie und seid nicht zu streng mit dem oft komischen Style... sie sind alle Menschen!
- Have you guys read Justin Bieber's new book "First Step 2 Forever: My Story" yet? We've read bits of it, and we felt like sharing this particular chapter with you! In it Justin explains how he was fuming after having flunked his written driving exam. When his mom came to pick him up he was too ashamed to get in the car with her so instead he walked home in the pouring rain. He writes:"There was no way I was getting in the passenger seat, bawling like a 10 year old. She (my mum) kept calling me as I walked to the corner of the parking lot and stood by the street. I felt every car driving by was taunting me.Some girl drove by, putting on mascara as she weaved down the boulevard ? but she sure had a driver's license, didn't she? Some dude cruised by in a truck, smoking a cigarette, which he tossed on the street like the world was his ashtray.I bellowed after him, I hate you! It felt so good. I bellowed at the next guy, I hate you too! And I hate you! And I hate you!"Aww, poor Justin! We cant quite decide if it's sweet or just childish... Maybe a bit of both?
- Es gibt erste private Bilder von den Twilight-Stars Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart, auf denen sie sich küssen! Klar gab es schon seit längerem die wildesten Gerüchte, aber das Paar leugnete bisher alles standhaft. Nun scheinen sie endgültig ihre Tarnung verloren zu haben!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"