- We love Dakota Fanning and think she's a brilliant actress! She first stole our hearts in I Am Sam and later in Uptown Girls! Dakota has played such amazing roles and has a real talent. Instead of taking the party girl route that many child stars seem to take (ahem, Lilo and Britney!), Dakota is serious about her job and her education. In fact, Dakota decided to not take any lead roles until she finished high school. Smart girl! We think Dakota is a classic beauty with her golden-blonde hair, porcelain skin, and blue eyes. Dakota always has had a sense of style but sticks to classic looks with a slight edge. We think it's great!
- Sowohl Christina Aguilera als auch Kristen Stewart trugen dieses Spitzen-Kleid von Valentino. Kristen hatte es auf der Premiere von "Welcome to the Rileys" an, kombiniert mit sexy Hochsteckfrisur und rotem Lippenstift! Christina hatte offene Haare und süße zehenfreie Heels dazu. Was denkt ihr, wem steht es besser?!
- Both Christina Aguilera and Kristen Stewart have been seen wearing this lacy Valentino number. Kristen wore hers to the premiere of Welcome to the Rileys. She wore her hair in a updo and added a bit of glam with red lipstick! Christina left her hair down and wore cute peep-toe heels. Who do you think wore it best?!
- We love stylish celebs and we have a new favorite style icon, it's Dakota Fanning's younger sister Elle Fanning! We think Elle has really great style, she choose classic lines with a slight twist, like the dress she wore to this years Met Gala! What do you think of Elle's style? Love it or hate it?
- Diese Damen haben uns in dieser Woche am meisten beeindruckt und einige so sehr, dass wir uns deren Hüte, Mäntel und Schuhe gleich selber besorgt haben! Von Anne Hathaways sexy rotem Kleid über Nicole Richies Leoparden-Mantel bis hin zu Alex Chungs neuen Looks - einfach super...
- These are the ladies that impressed us the most this week, some of them so much, we have already run out to find similar hats, coats and shoes! From Anne Hathaway's sexy red dress, to Nicole Richie's leopard coat and especially Alex Chung's new look!
- Hier sind die besten Looks des Abends für euch! Es waren einige große Trends erkennbar: Zum einen die Farbe grün, getragen von Stars wie Angelina Jolie und Mila Kunis. Zum anderer so ziemlich alle Schattierungen von pink - ein helles pink bei Natalie Portman über Bonbonfarben bei Lea Michel bis hin zu richtig pink bei Julianne Moore! Und Nude-Looks sind nach wie vor im Trend, viele der anwesenden Stars sahen in feinen und leicht glitzernden Nudes toll aus...
- You didn't think we would give you just the news from the Golden Globes last night and not the red carpet did you?! Here are all the best looks from the awards show.
- Party season is in full swing, are you sick of your dresses already? Here is some inspiration from celebrities who we thought did a fantastic job with their style choices this week! From Christina Ricci, to Jessica Stroup and all the way to this week's no.1 outfit, there is a look to suit everyone!
- Über Anne Hathaway sprach die ganze Welt, als sie dieses süße Valentino-Kleid bei der New York-Premiere ihres neuen Films "Liebe und andere Drogen" trug. Die Modewelt war geteilter Meinung - entweder sie liebten oder hassten es! Wir überlassen es also euch. Hat euch der originale Valentino-Laufsteg-Look mehr inspiriert oder Annes Look direkt von der Straße? Stimmt ab!
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