- Man kann nur staunen, wie schön Adriana Lima ist! Die frischgebackene Mama kam gestern Nacht mit den anderen Engeln Doutzen Kroes und Chanel Iman zum Victoria's Secret Geschäft in SoHo, um das Ende der Fashion Week zu feiern und sie sah besser aus denn je! Adriana trug ein grünes Kleid, hatte perfekt gestylte Haare, strahlte in die Kameras und warf sogar Kusshändchen - uns fehlen die Worte!
- Chace Crawford isn't the only Hollywood hunk who spent time in Deauville, France, this week! High School Musical star Zac Efron was there yesterday to promote his new movie 'Charlie St. Cloud' and for those of you who haven't seen the trailer yet, check out the clip ! We can't wait!
- Justin Timberlake is still shooting scenes for his movie "Friends with Benefits" and we spotted him on the beach in Los Angeles and looking cute in a wet suit! We had no idea Justin had it in him to be an action man, but he looks totally in control on jet ski!
- How cute do Kevin Jonas and Nick Jonas look in their softball outfits! The boys took part in a charity ball game a the Roger Dean Stadium in Florida yesterday and especially Nick looked like he was kicking some serious butt on the field! Is there anything he can't do?!
- Cute couple alert! Friends of Rachel Bilson and Jake Gyllenhaal's have leaked to the press that these two stars have been dating and are really into each other! Rachel is recently single again after her broken engagement with Hayden Christensen, so she wants to keep her thing with Jake quiet until she knows where its going, but they are definitely seeing each other and its going well! We think could be a great match, don't you? (Source: Wenn)
- Alarm für ein weiteres süßes Paar! Freunde von Rachel Bilson und Jake Gyllenhaal haben an die Presse weitergegeben, dass die beiden Stars daten.
- Wie niedlich sehen doch Kevin Jonas und Nick Jonas in ihren Softball-Outfits aus! Hinreissend! Die Jungs nahmen gestern an einer Charityveranstaltung im Roger Dean Stadium in Florida teil. Nick sah so aus, als ob er auch ein paar ernsthafte Bälle schlug. Gibt es was, das er nicht kann?!
- Die New York Fashion Week begann gestern Abend und "Project Runway"-Fans wissen, was das bedeutet! Die drei Finalisten der diesjährigen Show präsentierten vor Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia und Michael Kors ihre Kollektion und es wird der Sieger gekürt! Wie immer wird auch in diesem Jahr ein Promi-Jurymitglied mit von der Partie sein und es ist Jessica Simpson!
- GQ Magazine in London held their annual Man of the Year Awards last night and as usual the event was packed full hot male celebrities and a few lovely female stars too! Mad Men hottie Jon Hamm won the big award, he was named International Man of the Year, while Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick won the breakout star award. Giorgio Armani was given the honour of designer of the year and Gemma Arterton is GQ's woman of the year. Take a look at what everyone was wearing below!
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