- Wie süß ist das denn! Ashley Greene und Joe Jonas verbrachten ihren Freitagnachmittag damit, gemeinsam mit ihren Hunden spazieren zu gehen - und sie sahen dabei wie ein altes Ehepaar aus! Wird den beiden Jungstars feiern und Clubs zu langweilig? Oder hören wir da vielleicht schon die Hochzeitsglocken?
- That's right! The fans were of course queuing in hopes to get a glimpse of teen pop sensation Justin Bieber at Barnes & Nobles in New York City! The young star was there to promote his new book 'First Step 2 Forever' and seemed very excited to be there and meet his fans!
- Happy Thanksgiving everyone! How did you spend your holiday? We hope with loads of delicious food and surrounded by friends, family and loved ones! The stars have a lot to be grateful for in their lives of course, so many of them were planning big holiday feasts and some not so much...find out what some of your favorite celebs did on the day!
- Kanye West on a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade float? We were shocked too, but here he is and smiling too! Alongside Kanye other super stars like Kylie Minogue and Jessica Simpson were all waving on huge floats too, cuddled up warmly in some great warm layers to beat the freezing cold, of course!
- Its hard to believe sometimes that king of drama pop star Adam Lambert made it big because American Idol! Looking at his mad and dramatic live shows, like the one in Milan last night, he is not a sweet, slightly punky guy anymore! He is totally full on strange and over the top! We kind of love it!
- Wie wir euch letzte Woche berichteten, hat Prinz William endlich um die Hand seiner Freundin Kate Middleton angehalten. Das Paar machte die Verlobung auf einer Pressekonferenz öffentlich und zeigte den Verlobungsring von Wills Mutter an Kates Finger!
- Wenn ihr eine Gästeliste voller glamouröser A-Promis und einen Haufen Spaß bei eurer Party haben wollt, dann geht sicher, dass ihr Beyonce fragt, sie zu schmeißen!
- Fall is upon us and that means change in wardrobe, lifestyle and usually fragrance. If you've hit a dead end trying to choose your new scent for the Fall we've got an idea for you: Why not try out the favorite perfume of one of your favorite celebrities?Click the gallery to see what these 9 famous ladies first choice of perfume is!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"