- We have come to the realization that Bruce Willis might just be one of the greatest celebrity dads around. Not only did he treat his daughters Rumer and Tallulah Belle to a Paris get-away over Thanksgiving, he also personally escorted them on a shopping-spree around Paris' most exclusive boutiques! Dads everywhere, take notes - this is how your daughters like to be treated!
Hallöchen :)
Wie angekündigt, möchte ich nun die Plätze 1-4 der 2. Runde meines Contests mit euch teilen!
- A leather jacket will never go out of style! And the best thing is that you can wear it all year! In the summer pair your leather jacket with a sundress and in the winter put it over a cozy sweater. A black leather jacket is classic, but we love Katherine Heigl's olive green one! Click on the pics to see celebs love leather.
- Tweed is the perfect fabric during the Fall and Winter. From shorts, skirts, jackets, bags, and shoes, tweed is heavy enough fabric that it will keep you warm, but is also stylish and offers a bookish charm. Click on the pictures to check out celebs like Blake Lively and Hailee Steinfeld who are trendy in tweed!
- Unser Liegblings-Rotschopf Florence Welch aus der wunderbaren Band Florence and the Machines wurde neulich beim Einkaufen gesichtet.
- It's not all red carpet events and fancy parties for our favorite celebrities! They love to play too! With or without kids, we've spotted our favorite celebs having fun at the park. Do they prefer the swing or the slide? Click on the pics to find out!
Hallöchen Freunde,
Ich weiß, ich hab lang nichts mehr geschrieben, wegen der Schule. Aber heute gehts natürlich weiter. :) Ich hab euch 3 Wunderschöne Beispiele ausgesucht.
Guten Tag:)
Nur noch knapp ein Monat und dann haben wir auch schon wieder Weihnachten. Passend dazu gibt es jetzt eine neue Nagellack-Kollektion im Weihnachtsstil.
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