- When it's cold outside, the last thing we want to think about is our hair! Unfortunately you can't let it air dry in soft waves like in the summer, but you can't leave with it wet either! So you have to blow dry it, but the cold is already really damaging to your hair so do you really want to straighten it too? The best and easiest hair style to protect your hair during the winter is a braid. After blow drying, skip the straightener and pull your hair into a fun braid. We've collected our ten favorite styles from easy to hard to inspire you on even the coldest of winter days.
- We're really loving simplicity this week! Chic black paired with a crisp tailoring, a fun dress with a pair of heels, it always looks great! We really loved Zoe Saldana's Rene Lange Spring 2012 dress and we loved how Kaley Cuoco paired all black with nude heels and a leopard clutch. Click on the pics to see more of this week's best dressed celebs!
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- This video is just in, brand new, smoking hot! It’s Justin Bieber’s latest music vid! He’s done a cover of the classic Christmas song “Santa Clause Is Coming To Town” and it’s actually really good! The video was released just a few minutes ago so enjoy being one of the first watching it! We just love Justin, don’t you?
- Das derzeitige Playboy Covergirl Lindsay Lohan hat beschlossen, dass der beste Karriereschritt ein Auftritt in der TV Show "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" ist. Dort wird Lilo ihr erstes Interview nach dem Gefängnisaufenthalt geben, daher wird es ein großes Ding werden.
- One of the best ways to stay warm this winter is by layering. But what about those times when it's cold outside, but warm inside? We always keep a cardigan close by for extra chilly days indoor or out! It's the perfect piece of clothing to layer and looks great on everybody! While we prefer the slightly nerdy cardigan look with glasses and pressed shirt, we also like the long cardi for running errands and just hanging out! Click on the pics to see celebs who are cardi crazy! And watch the funny vid below about cardigans from the hilarious show, "The New Girl." :)
- Gesichtet! Wir haben Til Schweiger und seine Freundin Svenja Holtmann beim Shoppen in The Grove in Hollywood, Kalifornien gesehen. Sieht ganz so aus, als wäre der neue Tatort-Kommisar nach seinem peinlichen Lall-Auftritt in einer Award-Show kürzlich, nach Hollywood geflohen.
- With her 13 years in the movie industry, the gorgeous Kate Hudson has starred in 26 movies and won 14 awards! Kate's trademark role is the funny girl next door, but when asked about romantic comedies she said, "I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not... Well, I don't run out to see them." Ha, that's ironic! Not only is Kate an incredible actress, she's also one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. In 2000 she was named one of the '50 Most Beautiful People in the World' by People Magazine, and we have to agree. So we put together her top 10 beauty looks through out her career, which one is your favorite?
- Taylor Swift recently revealed a new hair cut and it looks great! She chopped off a few inches and got bangs! Taylor looks really sophisticated and pretty! We love it!
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