- Obwohl die Glee Proben sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, schafft es Lea Michele immer fertig für dne roten Teppich zu sein und ein schönes Kleid nach dem anderen zu zeigen! Sie weiß wirklich wie man mit den Kameras umgeht und wir lieben ihre fehlerlosen Looks auf dem roten Teppich, wo sie den klassischen Hollywood Glamour präsentiert! Klickt auf die Bilder und schaut euch ihre 10 besten Styles an!
- Yesterday the 84th annual Academy Awards took place in Hollywood. What started as an evening that was dominated by Martin Scorsese's "Hugo" ended up in a very loudly cheering crowd for the silent movie "The Artist". Not since the "Wings" was named outstanding picture at the first Oscars in 1929 a silent movie has earned the top award. Other top Oscars went to Meryl Streep (best actress) and Octavia Spender (best supporting actress). Check out all the winners below!
- Während andere Promis gern mit Farben und Mustern experimentierten (wie sagen nur: Palina Rojinski), mag Lena Gercke die dezenten Farbtöne. Wir sehen sie so gut wie nie in bunten Sachen.
- We spotted one of our favourite fashionistas, Lauren Conrad, leaving Fred Segal in West Hollywood yesterday in this very simple everyday outfit! She looked great in a basic t-shirt, black jeans and flat ballerina shoes and by that she shows that looking good isn't always about being dressed up. Simplicity is the thing! We really like this girl!
- Gestern fanden die 84. Academy Awards in Hollywood statt. Was mit einem Abend dominiert von Martin Scorseses "Hugo" begann, endete mit jeder Menge Beifall für den Stummfilm "The Artist". Seit "Wings" 1929 den Oscars gewann, hat kein Stummfilm mehr bei der Preisverleihung abräumen können. Meryl Streep gewann die Auszeichung für die bester Schauspielerin und Octavia Spender für die bester Nebendarstellerin.
- We spotted Ashley Tisdale on a walk in West Hollywood yesterday wearing this relaxed and stylish outfit! We are in love with her red quilted bag! A good style tips when you wear natural and basic colors, like grey, is to add a color bomb in the form of a bag or a pair of shoes. Just like what Ashley did with her bag. It really raises your fashion status!
- Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton got divorced in 2003. But now they have reunited - in the pages of Billy's new book. Angie has written the foreword to his upcoming memoirs "The Billy Bob Tapes: A Cave Full of Ghosts" that is released in May 15. The book is said to include "colorful tales of his modest Southern upbringing, his bizarre phobias, his life, his loves (including his heartbreakingly brief marriage to fellow Oscar winner Angelina Jolie), and, of course, his movie career." We're so curious about it! (people)
- Sacha Baron Cohen has been officially banned from the Oscars! Why? We'll the Academy is afraid that he is going to show up in costume for his new movie "The Dictator" and unless Sacha promises that he won't, he can't attend! This is despite the fact that he is an Academy member and one of the stars of the movie "Hugo" which was nominated for 11 Oscars! All this really means is that Sacha's new movie, "The Dictator" is going to be widely hyped. (deadline)
- It was bound to happen sooner or later! Glee stars, Cory Monteith and Lea Michele have been quietly dating and we think that it's one hot pairing! The two were spotted at Il Covo in L.A on Valentine's Day enjoying a sweet dinner. "They were into each other all night...She was very happy, flirting, and touching Cory a lot. He just stared at her with puppy-dog eyes." And a few days later they were spotted at the Ritz-Carlton! Lea even admitted last year that, "for me, if it was going to happen with anybody, it would have happened with Cory." So it's about time! We're over the moon about this match up, we just hope it doesn't end in heartache! What would happen to Glee then...?!
- WOW! Jennifer Aniston now has a star now on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Blvd in Los Angeles. That's such an honor, she really deserves it!
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