Hallo liebe Stardolluserinnen und User
Ich habe mich im Starplaza nach süßen Outfits umgesehen und hier sind die Ergebnisse.
- We spotted Michelle Monaghan and her husband Peter White leaving The Kings Road Cafe after having lunch Los Angeles. Michelle was wearing a pair of pink pants combined with a simple blouse. She looks perfectly everyday chic! So if you're thinking about invest a pair of pink jeans this spring (which is super hot!), watch and learn!
- Get ready - they are back! It's time to welcome the Kardashian-sisters to the tv-sceen again and we are really excited for a new season! Check out the preview below!
- Givenchy face-off! Decide if reality star LaLa Anthony or singer Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson rocked this curve inducing colorful Givenchy Resort 2012 dress the best! Fergie worked the beautiful gown with a pair of black pumps and body waved hair for her 37th birthday celebration while La La turned it up with a pair of Christian Louboutin "Summerissima" platform sandals and high chignon at the top of her head when paying a visit to the Anderson Cooper Show. So, who wore it best?
- We spotted Halle Berry and fiance Oliver Martinez spending the day on Malibu Beach for a fun family day with Halle's daughter Nahla. So wonderful! The trio walked the sand in Malibu near where the actress owns a home. Oliver and Nahla looked at shells together and at one point, he picked her up and spun her around, so sweet! It seems like they had a beautiful day together!
- We spotted actress Reese Witherspoon, with a visible baby bump, spending her Easter sunday at church with her children in Santa Monica. Reese hasn't officially confirmed her pregnancy, but she is reportedly expecting her first baby with husband Jim Toth. She also has two children from her first marriage. She is so cute! She might be baby bumpin', but that certainly hasn't changed her chic style!
- There is one celebrity that knows how to rock the casual look better than anyone: Rachel Bilson. We love Rachel's effortless style. Just look how classy she matches her high waisted relaxed red pants! We love these trendy and relaxed looks - the first with she combined them with a cute blouse and the other one with a simple white tee and a blazer. We love it!
- Es gibt einen Promi, der besser weiß als alle andere, wie man Alltagsoutfits rockt: Rachel Bilson. Wir lieben Rachel's einfachen Style. Schaut euch nur an wie gut sie ihre hochgeschnittenen roten Hosen kombiniert!
- Seit dem letzten Album Bring mich nach Hause ist es still um die Band Wir sind Helden geworden. Nun ist auf der Band-Website zu lesen warum: "„Wir sind erst mal raus“ heißt: diese uns sehr liebe, wunderschöne, bescheuerte Band pausiert auf unbestimmte Zeit."
Hallo lieber Leser,
erstmal möchte ich mich bedanken, für die ganzen Kommentare die mir viele User unter meinem letzten Post, der das Thema 'Hater' beinhaltete, als Kommentar hinterlassen hatten! :*
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"