- Britney Spears hat wirklich Fortschritte gemacht in Sachen Mode! Wir haben sie in diesem wirklich süßen langärmligen hautfarbenen Kleid gesehen....
- Sie sind unglaublich schön, beliebt und machen unsagbar viel Geld... Kein Grund neidisch zu sein?! Forbes hat wieder die Liste mit den bestbezahltesten Models der Welt veröffentlicht. Klickt auf die Bilder und findet heraus, welches Model im letzten Jahr am meisten verdient hat!
- We spotted Tv darling Kylie Jenner spending time shopping on Robertson Boulevard in Los Angeles with her sister Kendall. Kylie was wearing a lacy Zara blouse, skinny jeans and Prada suede cutout heels, stylish!
Heii ihr Lieben,
Voile hat wieder eine neue Kollektion herausgebracht.
Sie nennt sich Voile Baroque.
- WIr haben die Stilikone Gwen Stefani vorm Staples Center, wo ihr Mann Gavin Rossdale auftrat, in diesem einfachen aber stylischen Outfit gesehen.
- We spotted style icon Gwen Stefani arriving at the Staples Center to watch her husband Gavin Rossdale perform in this simple, yet stylish outfit. Gwen was looking like a biker babe in her favourite pink leather jacket which we've seen a several times before. We love to see celebs who wore their clothes more than ONE time! She really nails that chic rocker look. We love it, Gwen!
- Animal prints is are cool fashion trend right now, and we're big fans of it- and so are Jennifer Lopez and Courteney Cox! We spotted them wearing very similar nude snake skin dresses, and they both looked smashing! J.Lo went all in with snake skin boots, while Court matched her dress with black strappy heels. Which leads us to the question: who wore it best? Vote, peeps!
- Have you heard that our favorite trend is pastel colors this year? Well yeah, we bet, but we can't get enough of it! Especially minty green, we love the cool crisp color that looks more than awesome on any item. We've spotted celebs like Kim Kardashian and Lily Cole rocking all kinds of shades of minty green this season. Click on the pics and see 6 different ways to wear it!
- Celebrities have great skin, and they sure knows how to take good care of it every day. We'd love to buy expensive products and facial treatments like them, but their products are nowhere near our budget. We've found out how celebrities like Miranda Kerr and Katy Perry do their own face masks with stuff they find in the fridge, like eggs and cucumbers. Click on the pics for some great celebrity home spa tips!
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