- Adding a poppy splash of color to an one-colored and easy outfit is a classic style trick that automatically increases the trend factor of your look. Sofia Vergara is often spotted with a colorful clutch during her nights out, which makes her otherwise simple dresses look absolutely fabulous! Candy-colored pink and exotic turquoise is two of her favourites! We love it!
- Hattet ihr jemanls das schreckliche Erlebnis, dass ihr ein durchsichtiges Oberteil mit weißer Wäsche darunter getragen habt und dadruch zu viel zu sehen war?
- We spotted Kylie Minogue arriving at JFK International Airport on a flight from L.A. in New York City, looking everyday fab in this dazzling look! She was wearing a shimmering sweater accessorized with a hat and heels. Good choice, Kylie!
- Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow really don't seem to have much in common, but we found a match - they have a similar sense of style! We spotted the two beauties wearing the same gorgeous Emilio Pucci gown! Kim Kardashian wore this a two-piece lace fall dress in Cannes a couple of weeks ago, while Gwyneth Paltrow rocked the same-styled dress last September when she attended the 2011 Emmy Awards. Our question is of course: Who wore this midriff-revealing look best? Vote in the poll below and leave your opinion!
- Vor kurzem haben wir Jessica Alba in diesem süßen Sommeroutfit gesehen. Alles daran war gelungen: Die Blumenhose, die große Kette und die schwarzen Pumps.
- We are sad to announce that Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis have officially split up. After many rumors and months apart, Johnny's publicist released a statement that said the couple "have amicably separated...Please respect their privacy and, more important, the privacy of their children." Johnny and Vanessa have two children, Lily-Rose and Jack who they will continue to support and love.The couple first got together in 1998 when Johnny spotted Vanessa at a bar. They were together for 14 years, but never married. We are sure they are saddened by this decision, but it was a long time coming. Best of luck on your separate paths Johnny and Vanessa. (people)
- Pop Prinzesin Nr. 1 Katy Perry spricht endlich über ihre Scheidung von Russell Brand. Sie berichtet, dass si es nicht bereut! "Ich glaube immer noch an Liebe und Ehe.
- Pink is the color of the summer! It can make you look sophisticated and girly flirty at the same time. If you don't dare to wear a party dress in startling pink, choose some pink accessories like a pair of girly heels or a festive clutch! Click on the picture for some inspiration and check out 10 pink sugar sweets!
- Wir waren ein wenig in Prinz WIlliam verliebt, als wir jünger waren. Inzwischen sind wir älter geworden und er ebenso.
- Britney Spears has really stepped things up a little when it comes to fashion! We spotted her wearing this amazingly cute long sleeved nude dress, matched with a pair of golden peep toe pumps. She was really glowing, and we'd sure wear this to any cool party this summer! Way to go, BritBrit!
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