- Promis sind nicht immer todernst und manchmal sehen sie sogar richtig lustig aus, ob auf dem roten Teppich oder im Alltag.
- Unser lieblings-"Die Tribute von Panem"-Mädchen Jennifer Lawrence war unterwegs nach einem schweißtreibenden Work-Out in ihrem Fitnessstudio in LA.
- Rihanna is not very private at all when it comes to her social medias. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook- you name it, she loves posting pics everywhere to share with her fans. But the fun thing about Rihanna is that her private life is everything but normal, and what we can relate to. She's always doing crazy stuff, so click on the pics and check out what she's been up to lately!
- Steht ihr auch so auf Doctor’s Diary Schauspielerin Florian David Fitz? Er ist nicht nur ein sehr talentierter Schauspieler, sondern sieht auch echt gut aus.
- Wow! Seht euch Joel Maddens neue Frisur an! Schwarzgefärbte Oberseite und grell-lila Seiten, was soll das?
Hallo liebe Leser/innen
- Wir vermuten, dass Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie ihre Eheringe nach der Hochzeit niemals ablegen werden - nicht nachdem sie dafür 1 Millionen Dollar bezahlt haben!
Na ihr Hübschen.
Ich weiß nicht wie es euch geht, aber ich bin ein großer Fan von Shakespeare. Unter meinen Lieblingsstücken steht ganz oben Hamlet. Deswegen wollte ich diese Nägel Ophelia widmen, da passend viele sich blaue Nägel oder Nägel mit Wasserdesign gewünscht haben.
- We figure Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie won't ever take off their wedding rings after the wedding- not after paying $ 1 million for them! The luxury jeweller Robert Procop is honored to make the rings: "Robert's been busy all year making Brad and Angie's wedding rings", a source says. "They are matching rose gold bands with a table-cut diamond in them and their vows to each other engraved in them. You can't see it with the naked eye but they both know they're there." Well they're really not cutting corners with their wedding.... (showbizspy)
- Hollywood- another day, another drama! The latest catfight in Hollywood is apparently going on between Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, that recently did the movie The Dark Knight rises together. "They can't STAND each other", an insider from the set reveals. According to new reports, Anne acted like "such an insufferable snob" during the production that whenever she entered a room, Joseph immediately had to leave!“ He thinks she’s a good actress, but he just doesn’t understand her ego. Also, Anne was very dismissive of Joseph early in her career. She even turned down a couple of jobs where she was supposed to act opposite him. He wanted to make fun of how seriously Anne was taking herself and the role. He was too polite to point out to her that she was playing a cat in a comic-book movie, not actually saving the world.”, the insider explains. Oh-oh, sounds like they're having BIG problems with each other! (perezhilton)
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