- Elizabeth Olsen, the Olsen-twins' little sister, showed up at Liberal Arts screening held at Everyman cinema in Hampstead looking trendier than ever before! She went all in wearing a cool mid length leather skirt matched with a cute white jacket. We'd definitely steal this look any day, Liz!
- Bye, bye big patterns, hello darkness! From being the queen of boho chic, the correct title of Nicole Richie is nowadays leatherlicious. Lately Nicole has basically only walked down the red carpet wearing black, for the most part leather, but guess what? She looks phenomenal in it so why not! Seems like she left her hippie chic ways for good and it’s time to crown a new queen. We bet Vanessa Hudgens is pretty eager to get that title, don't you?
- Robbie Williams und seine Frau Ayda Field wurden jetzt zum ersten Mal Eltern! Das kleine Mädchen, Theodora Rose Williams, wurde gestern geboren: "Baby, Mami und Papi sind alle wohlauf...
- Bye, bye große Muster, hallo Dunkelheit! Einst die Königin des Boho Chic ist Nicole Richies neuer und korrekter Titel 'Leatherlicious'.
- Die Gewinnerin der deutschen Model-Casting-Show Germany's Next Topmodel Luisa Hartema und ihr Freund Cristopher gehen in Zukunft getrennte Wege. I
- In Hollywood einzigartig zu sein ist nicht leicht. Alle Fashionistas lieben es sich im neusten Trend zu kleiden und momentan lieben es die Stars Sternenmuster zu tragen!
- Tori Spelling recently gave birth to her fourth child, but instead of resting at home, the actress was RUSHED back to the hospital! "Tori underwent emergency surgery over the weekend due to complications from her c-section", her spokesperson tells. "She remains in the hospital and is resting comfortably". The delivery of her son was her fourth caesarean section and her second within a year, since her daughter Hattie was born last October (that's crazy fast!). We hope you get well soon, Tori! (people)
Ich habe für euch ein Interview mit TurkishLady gemacht. Manche Menschen, die grad nicht so bekannt in Stardoll sind würden sich auch freuen, wenn sie interviewt werden. Diese talentierte Doll hat hübsche Haare entworfen und eine tolle Kurzgeschichte geschrieben.
- Robbie Williams and his wife Ayda Field are now parents for the first time! The little girl, Theodora Rose Williams, was born yesterday: "Baby, Mummy and Daddy are all rockin...Thank you for your best wishes", he wrote on twitter. "Praise be, it's Theodora Rose Williams, affectionately known as Teddy... Born 3.33pm on 18.9.12, 7lbs 4oz", he continued. Aw, isn't this just too cute?! We're so happy for him! We love how he also picked a pretty "normal" name, not like his singer colleagues: "No mad celebrity name. It's not Appleesquee. It's a very solid, old-school name", he said earlier about little Theodora. Congrats, Robbie! (bbc)
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