- And it's about time! Tuns of paparazzi photos have been taken of the couple sneaking around in New York lately, which is totally unnecessary. They don't have to sneak around! We mean, everyone knows Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have been dating for a while but neither of the actors rep will confirm it. Well, we think it's pretty official now since the couple was seen and photographed at Met Life Stadium in New Jersey the other night for the Jets game. Ashton even fed Mila in public with some of his ice cream. Naw!
- Wow, schaut euch das mal an! Letzte Woche haben wir Xtina noch für ihre mutige Farbwahl gelobt aber jetzt sieht es so aus als ob unser Kompliment sie übermütig gemacht hat!
- Blake Lively and Leighton Meester was seen doing some scenes yesterday for the last season of Gossip Girl (we still can't believe it's over after this one!). Most people like to do their change of clothes in private but Leighton is apparently so comfortable with herself she doesn't mind doing it in the middle of the streets of New York. Good for you Leigh!
- Wie wäre es mit DEM Szenario: Tom Cruise gibt Scientology auf und Katie Holmes nimmt ihn sofort wieder zurück! Eine Quelle, die Katie nahe steht verrät, dass "Katie in Tom verliebt gewesen ist, er war ihre Jugendliebe. Es kostete sie viel Kraft sich davon zu befreien. Jetzt hat sie zwar ihren Seelenfrieden aber keine Liebe."
- It is the pumpkin season and we love it so! As do a bunch of fun celebrities. Jessica Alba and her daughter Honor have a good time together at the patch and Resident Evil-actress Milla Jovovich shows how strong he is by carrying a real big one!
- Lindsay Lohan showed off a new flaming red hair color at an energy drink launch at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. We quite like it, but what do you think - Is it hot or not?!
- Nicole Scherzinger and her co-judge from X-Factor, Louis Walsh, enjoyed a night out at the Arts Club in Mayfair, London. Isn't it just too cute that Louis is matching Nicoles handbag with a red scarf?!
- Fall is here and the rain as well - and we're not too happy about it.... Everything is a little less fun when the rain is pouring down, but we've seen 6 celebrities making the best out of it, matching their outfits with cute umbrellas!
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