- Halloween steht kurz vor der Tür und wir sehen eigentlich ÜBERALL Dekorationen und gruselige Kürbisse - besonders in Hollywood.
- Es ist schon eine Weile her, seitdem wir Kristen Stewarts wunderschönes Lächeln gesehen haben (ja, ihr wisst ja alle warum ...), aber gestern entdeckten wir sie an einem Flughafen in Japan.
- Lauren Conrad has the prettiest orange dress ever on as she greets fans and signs copies of her new book in the orange state of Florida! Wish we were there to meet her too!
- Wie wir alle wissen, kann einem ein Lächeln von jemandem den Tag versüßen und deshalb dachten wir uns das dies den Rest eures Tages viel besser machen wird.
- Time to think about what fabulous things to wear all week long! Let's take a look at what the stars have pulled out of their closets! Stephanie Pratt has the cutest pink satin tunic on and Cheryl Cole is hot stuff in black leather pants. Click on the pictures for this week's top 10 celebrity fashion inspiration!
- Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are really the perfect teen couple, and for that we love them. But also, we can't help but love how cute Justin is to her when he's out on his Believe Tour. "Every night I look for her", he wrote on his Twitter just yesterday with a picture of himself staring off into the distance. Because what other lady could he be talking about? No, we bet he's lonely on his tour and misses his longtime GF like crazy. Gosh, Justin, take the next flight home and spend some time with her, we cannot stand seeing you two break up!
- VERSUCHST du erwischt zu werden, Chris Brown? Da Dreiecks-Drama wird immer absurder ... Gestern wurde Chris gesehen wie er auf dem Weg in sein Studio war
- How idiotic is this? Sources claims that Mila Kunis, who recently was titled as the world's sexiest woman, has got fired from Chrisitan Dior and that she’s been replaced by Jennifer Lawrence. The reason is (and this is crazy) her weight! The marketing department at Christian Dior are “furious” with Mila Kunis for putting on weight and continually appearing out and about with Ashton Kutcher in very sloppy, un-chic outfits. Sources says: “The company paid her a fortune and is very frustrated with how she looks,” says a mole. “The marketing people have even offered to supply a wardrobe for her.”And you know what's even worse?! Ashon agrees! “He had been dropping subtle hints, but she wasn’t getting it, so he just told her flat-out that she’s too fat. They had a huge battle and Mila told him to leave if he has a problem with her weight.” an insider told Star Magazine. Stand on it, Mila! You're gorgeous, No matter what. Gosh, what has happened to the society?
- Seal und Heidi Klum haben sich im Januar plötzlich getrennt, was bei allen viele Fragen aufgeworfen hat. Warum? Später kam heraus, dass Heidi inzwischen mit ihrem Angestellten, Martin Kristen, zusammen ist, dem Bodyguard ihrer Familie.
- Alle Gute zum Montag an euch alle! Es ist an der Zeit über die großartigen Sachen nachzudenken, die man die ganze Woche anziehen wird!
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