- Hollywood darling, Dakota Fanning has grown to become a real fashionista and she has learned how to dress elegant and comfortable at the same time! Check out the gallery and find out how you can get the celeb look!
- We just spotted Mandy Moore leaving Anastasia salon in Beverly Hills! Not only is she looking good in her hair do - she's aswell dressed well in a beige knitwear top, black trousers and two-tone Spanish style boots! Thumbs up, Mandy, we love it!
- We just can't help sharing these pics of One Direction's performance for the Today show at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City! These guys are just waaaay too hot, or what do you think!? Click on the pics to see more of these good looking gentlemen! Who's your favorite?
- Wir entdeckten Kanye West gestern beim Verlassen von Claridges, wo er den ganzen Tag Stunden über Stunden mit Meetings verbracht hat.
- Wir verfolgen das Leben der Kardashian Familie jetzt schon so eine lange Zeit, aber jetzt fangen die Dinge an sich zu verändern. Kourtney Kardashian ist richtig beschäftigt mit ihren zwei Kindern und Khloe Kardashian hat das Reality-Show-machen hinter sich gelassen um die neue Moderatorin von X-Faktor zu werden.
- By the looks of the red carpet it seems like the peplum isn’t going anywhere soon! All of Hollywood's it-girls, from Emma Watson to Blake lively are wearing the trend and we know why. Its waist-defining shape flatters the female body in the best way possible so no wonder it’s become such a hit! Click on the pictures for some amazing peplums!
- Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie scheinen die Hände mit ihren sechs Kindern ziemlich voll zu haben und nun haben wir gehört, dass sie es ihnen schwer fällt alle die ganze Zeit im Auge zu behalten.
- We thought Kristen Stewart would take a long nice vacation after finally finishing up the final Twilight movie, but oh no, think again. The super star is eager to get a job, and she's really not looking forward to a calm day. "I'm kinda desperate to get a job right now", she recently said in an interview. "I'm itching to get back to work". She's such a serious actress and for that we love her! Wonder what her next big project will be, we bet it's something kinda indie!
- Wir können nicht anders, als diese Bilder von One Directions Auftritt bei der Today Show auf dem Rockefeller Plaza in New York City mit euch zu teilen! Diese Jungs sich einfach viiiiiel zu heiß, oder was denkt ihr?!
- We spotted Selena Gomez outside her Manhattan hotel yesterday evening! She was surrounded by fans and from what we can see on the pics she looks really happy! So maybe she's not too sad about her and Justin Biebers' big break up after all? Well, we sure would be....
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