- Amber.Stardoll
- Okay we get it, you might start to get kinda sick of the Oscars. But as you all know, there are several other awards shows in Hollywood, and pretty much all celebrities have received at least one during their time in the spotlight. We've seen a typical award pose, where the celebs are kissing their award. Click on the pics and see all these kissable stars!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Selina.Stardoll
- Gestern war es an der Zeit bei den Academy Awards (Oscars) 2013 die besten Filme des vergangenen Jahres zu feiern. Wir haben jede Minute der Gala verfolgt und euch eine Liste der Gewinner in den wichtigsten Kategorien zusammengestellt! Seht sie euch hier unten an!1. Bester Nebendarsteller: Christoph Waltz2. Bester Animierter Kurzfilm: "Im Flug erobert (Paperman)"3. Bester Animierter Spielfilm: "Merida – Legende der Highlands"4. Beste Kameraführung: Claudio Miranda für "Life of Pi"5. Beste Visuelle Effekte: "Life of Pi"6. Bestes Kostümdesign: "Anna Karenina"7. Bestes Make-Up und Frisuren: "Les Miserables"8. Bester Kurzfilm: "Curfew"9. Bester Dokumentar-Kurzfilm: "Innocente"10. Bester Dokumentarfilm: "Searching for Sugar Man"11. Bester Fremdsprachiger Film: "Liebe (Amour)"12. Bester Ton: "Les Miserables13. Bester Tonschnitt: "Zero Dark Thirty" und "Skyfall" (Gleichstand)14. Beste Nebendarstellerin: Anne Hathaway15. Bester Schnitt: "Argo"16. Bestes Szenenbild: "Lincoln"17. Beste Filmmusik: "Life of Pi"18. Bester Filmsong: Adele "Skyfall"19. Bestes Adaptiertes Drehbuch: Chris Terrio für "Argo"20. Bestes Originaldrehbuch: Quentin Tarantion für "Django Unchained"21. Beste Regie: Ang Lee22. Beste Hauptdarstellerin: Jennifer Lawrence23. Bester Hauptdarsteller: Daniel Day-Lewis24. Bester Film: "Argo"
- Selina.Stardoll
- Selina.Stardoll
- Wenn es um die Oscars geht, ist es eigentlich egal ob du die Statue mit nach Hause nimmst oder nicht - denn du verlässt die Gala mit einem 45.000 Dollar Goddie-Bag, auch wenn du nur nominiert warst. Wir haben einen Blick riskiert, nur um zu sehen was dieses Jahr im Goodie-Bag drin ist und ja, es ist wie immer Wahnsinn.Seht euch die den ganzen Inhalt des Goodie-Bags gleich hier unten an! Eine 12.000 $ Reise zu einem von zwei australischen Ferienortenein 4.100 $ Aufenthalt in einem Fitness Retreatein 5.000 $ “Vampir-Facelift”persönlicher VIP-Service am Flughafen Heathrow im Wert von 1.800 $Akupunktur, Aromatherapie, Erhährungsberatung und persönliche Trainigsstunden im Wert von hunderten von DollarnAhornsirum im Wert von 120 $elektronische ZigarettenKondomeein “The Ultimate Fuzz Remover” FusselrollerWindexein WäschesackGeschirr zur Kontrolle von Portionsgrößeneine Armband-Haarband-Kombi für 80 $ein Wasserfiltersystem
- Selina.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- Suri Cruise has been surrounded by paparazzis her entire life, since her parents are "pretty" well-known - Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Now it has been revealed that the little girl has her own body double to trick the paparazzis. TMZ has got photos (check them out here!), where Suri and another girl are dressed in the exact same outfit, holding hands with a nanny and getting out of the exact same cars. It's obvious that Katie and Tom has hired this girl to take the attention off of Suri, but honestly, which parents let their 6-year-old have this absurd job?!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- All focus is really on the women during the Oscars, and especially what they're wearing. The men that are invited aren't really as interesting on the red carpet, but we decided to check out the hotties of the Oscars. They're there - you just don't see them as much with all these gala gowns surrounding them.Click on the pics and see the hotties of the Oscars!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- Not all celebrities attend the Oscars, but happily there always are plenty of after parties to go to. Elton John's AIDS Foundation hosts one of the most desirable Oscars parties, and we've snuck a peak on how all the celebrities looked! Click on the pics and see all the photos from the Oscars after party!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- If we were ever invited to the Oscars, we'd make sure to take some good time to think about what to wear and how to look. But as always at these big events, some of the stars just don't seem to get that, and they simply show up wearing gowns we believe should be illegal.We've listed the biggest fashion failures of this year's Oscars! Click on the pics and check them all out!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- We were all really surprised when Kristen Stewart showed up at the Oscars red carpet with crutches (check out the pics here!). People laughed it off saying that it was "the accessory of the year", but we were really worried about what had happened to her. She didn't say it herself, but her makeup artist, Beau Nelson, had some gossip about her accident. "She cut the ball of her foot, quite severely, on glass two days ago", he said. But Kristen, a real professional, ditched the crutches as soon as she was right on the red carpet and posed like nothing had happened. That's cool, Kristen! Hope you get well soon!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- Beautiful as a wind-flower on the front spring, Vanessa Hudgens attended at the Spring Breakers photocall in Madrid wearing this cute outfit including a white lacy crop top and matching skirt. She completed the impeccably stylish number with a pair of lilac Jerome C. Rousseau sandals. Exquisite, right? We think she looks just adorable! And imagine, if this is jut a promotion, what will she wear at the grand premiere?! Gah!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- Her life is an unwritten success story, and we have watched her went from a Disney pricess to a Hollywood babe in an eye-blink. Miley Cyrus is know standing right in front of the biggest happening i her life so far- she's going to get married! Yes, Princess Miles is living the dream and therefore we have collected some of her most inspirational quotes this week!
- Amber.Stardoll
- didi1888125 Beitrag: "Haartipps"
- Wheyla Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"
- meisenberg Beitrag: "♥Shoppingtipp♥ (3)"