- Who run the world? GIRLS! Das hier ist eine tolle Initiative und eine gute Möglichkeit, um sich für weltweite Gerechtigkeit einzusetzen. Beyoncé und Salma Hayek haben in einer neuen weltweiten Gucci-Kampagne zur Stärkung der Frauenrechte, mit Namen Chime for Change, ihre Unterstützung bekannt gegeben.
- British model Cara Delevingne has been pretty much all over the place during London Fashion Week, and a lot of that came from her hanging out with her new pal, Rihanna. But Cara says they're not friends for publicity, and that she loves hanging out with RiRI. ''I met her when she was here two years ago doing a gig.", she revealed about their friendship. "She's the best, she's such a sweet, down-to-earth girl. She doesn't have that many girlfriends but we have a lot in common. I don't think many girls understand her". Cara also says she loves spending time with Rihanna since she's so much "fun". Well they make a cool duo, don't they?
- We've noticed a big Hollywood hair trend right now - the blonde pixie haircut. Celebrities all ages love cutting off their long curls to look absolutely smashing in a short blonde haircut instead. Click on the pics for great hair inspo - and maybe get the curage to try it yourself?
- Ever wondered where all these gorgeous celebrities got their pretty looks form? The answer is simple: they got it from their mamas! Some Hollywood celebs looks exactly like their moms, and it's really hilarious! Click on the pics and see them all - and believe us, you're not seeing double!
- Habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, wo all diese umwerfenden Promis ihr tolles Aussehen her haben? Die Antwort ist einfach: Sie haben es von ihren Müttern! Manche Hollywood-Promis sehen genauso aus wie ihre Mütter und das ist echt komisch!
- Can you guys remember back when Justin Bieber had like no tattoos at all? Well we sure can't, and now he's even more covered with ink! During his visit in London, the superstar showed off a brand new tattoo yesterday, and it's one more on his arm. The tattoo, the letter X, is the Greek letter Chi that stands for Jesus Christ. We think it looks cool on him!
- Scarlett Johansson is still best known for being a successful actress, but now she's decided to try new paths in life. The star recently received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song, and she reveals she's impressed that she was even nominated. "It's funny because I never thought I would be nominated for an Oscar next to Adele. That was very surprising to me.", she said. But now she's interested in continuing her music career, and has started her own girl band. "I'm in the progress of working on an all-girls band... we're called the One and Only Singles", she revealed. Cool, but please don't give up acting for that!
- Hollywood stars are pretty much always trying to break each other when it comes to having the biggest and most wonderful weddings. Now Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have come up with an idea to make their wedding even more memorable - by buying an elephant family! The couple are working on making the two-mile long drive to their amazing house, and their wedding florist has revealed one or two things on what the guests will see. "Guests will travel past water fountains and Shetland ponies leaping as they go up the two-mile long drive to the house.", she said. "When the guests park, they'll see a family of elephants. Brad hopes it will make them smile", she continued. Err? Isn't that just strange?!
- Do you wanna get closer to One Direction than everyone else? Well here's your chance! The five boyband stars are now auctioning their clothes for charity. The pop stars are putting up the clothes they wore in a charity video in Ebay, and anyone can buy them - but the price is high. Right now Zayn Malik's t shirt is one of the cheapest items, and it already costs around $450. If you're interested in buying any of the items, just click here! Happy bidding!
- Hollywoodstars versuchen sich eigentlich immer gegenseitig zu übertreffen, wenn es darum geht die größten und wundervollsten Hochzeiten zu feiern. Jetzt haben sich Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie etwas einfallen lassen, um ihre Hochzeit noch unvergesslicher zu machen - indem sie eine Elefantenfamilie kaufen! Das Paar arbeitet daran, auf dem zwei Meilen langen Weg zu ihrem Haus zu verblüffen und ihre Hochzeitsfloristin hat ein oder zwei Dinge verraten, die ihre Gäste dort sehen werden. "Die Gäste werden an Springbrunnen und springenden Shetlandponys vorbeikommen, wenn sie die zwei Meilen lange Zufahrt zu ihrem Haus entlangfahren.", sagte sie. "Wenn die Gäste parken, werden sie eine Elefantenfamilie sehen. Brad hofft, dass es sie zum Lächeln bringt", fuhr sie fort. Ähm? Ist das nicht einfach nur seltsam?! (contactmusic)
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