Grammy awards
- To pay homage to her beautiful Grammy's performance, I decided to do this Adele-inspired makeup tutorial.
What was your fave Grammys look?
- Are you dying to meet a celebrity? Well, that's not impossible at all, if you chose where to go on vacation from this list. We've gathered 6 hotels from all over the world, that almost always include spotting celebrities.
- While many celebrities take their nicest dress on a night it'll never forget, some others just seem to pick the worst looks they can possibly own. Take this for example: An astronaut costume? Yea, we know. Click on the pics and spot the fashion failures of Grammy Awards 2013!
- Oh, here we go again! Sunday the annual Grammy Awards took place, and we really love spotting all the fabulous celebrities rocking the red carpet. As always, some of these celebs completely blew us away looking more stunning than ever. Click on the pics and see our top 6 best dressed celebs of Grammys 2013!
- Have you been curious about why Jay-Z and Beyonce decided not to show up at the Grammy's? One hot rumor is that they boycotted the gala because of the violent Chris Brown. Well we don't know that for sure, but now we have the answer of what they've been up to - eating pizza. The couple were spotted at their favorite posh pizzeria Lucali in Brooklyn. Yummy! What topping do you think they ordered on their pizzas? We believe they're proscuiotto, mozzarella and mushroom people. (usmagazine)
- Habt ihr euch gefragt, warum Jay-Z und Beyonce nicht bei den Grammys erschienen sind? Ein Gerücht war, dass sie die Gala aufgrund der Ehrung von Chris Brown boykottiert haben, da dieser ja vor einigen Jahren Freundin Rihanna geschlagen hat.
- Letzte Nach fanden die Grammys statt und alle heißen Promis waren da! Wie ihr wisst gewann Adele so ziemlich jeden Grammy und sie sah toll aus, wie ein echter Star!
- Wow, congratulations to Adele! She won almost every award at the Grammy's last night. Seriously, we aren't kidding! Adele won the following awards: Album of the Year: 21Record of the Year: Rolling in The DeepSong of the Year: Rolling in The DeepPop Vocal Album: 21Best Pop Solo Performance: Someone Like YouThis is definitely Adele's year! Other winners were Kanye West for Rap Album (My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy), Justin Vernon of Bon Iver for Best New Artist, and Taylor Swift for Best Country Solo Perfomance (Mean). Congrats to everyone, but a huge congrats to Adele!
- Der rote Teppich bei den Grammy Awards in diesem Jahr war einer der heißesten, den wir seit langem gesehen haben! Es gab glitzernde Metallics, leuchtende Abendkleider mit hohen Schlitzen und wirklich jeder von Miley Cyrus über Kim Kardashian und die Glee-Stars Dianna Agron, Lea Michele und Naya Rivera zeigte sich von seiner besten Seite! Die Männer? Nicht so sehr! Was sollte dieser Trend mit den weißen Smokings wie zum Beispiel an Justin Bieber und John Mayer? Gar nicht unser Ding! Seht euch die Bilder an und sagt uns, welches Outfit ihr mögt und welches nicht!
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