Hi liebe Leser
Es gibt mal wieder ein Make Up Tutorial.
Hey everyone!
I will be giving you some make-up tips for your medoll or even real life!
Everyday Life:
1. Having a light eyeshadow is all it takes. There is no need to go heavy.
2. Add mascara, it will give your eyelashes volume and compliment your eyes.
3. Eyeliner is optional. Add around the eye to give that extra boldness.
4. Light eyeshadow means you can go heavier on the lips. Go for a pink or a red or if you don't feel confident, go "Au Naturale" if you want a light look!
5. Add a little bit of pale pink blush and your ready to go!Night-Out:
1. Smoky eyes are always a good look. You must have a dark and a light eyeshadow. For your medoll, apply the light eyeshadow onto your doll's eyelids. After that, apply the dark one over the BOTTOM of your eyelid. Add a little eyeliner and you have smoky eyes.
2. Add your mascara on.
3. With smoky eyes, I decide to keep my lips pale. Add a pale lipstick or no lipstick and add some gloss.
4. Go light with your blush aswell. Let your eyes do all the talking. After that, your set to have a great night!
Thanks for reading!
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Below is her exclusive interview on designing!
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Hi zusammen! :)
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Hey Stardolls !
Hier kommt das Umstyling für Keyrahlie !
Dieses Mal habe ich das Make-up wirklich sehr dezent gehalten, da viele das Letzte zu bunt fanden, deswegen sieht man nicht so viel Unterschied :)
Hello c; I really love your medoll! Is it based on a particular thing? Well it’s based on my favourite singing Avril Lavigne. But as its Halloween I made her a vampire.
Hi liebe Leser heute habe ich bei einer Stardoll( ...Cho_Cho... )wunderschöne Augen gesehen und die waren selbstgemacht. Von Weiten sehen die Augen noch schöner
aus )
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