Ich möchte heute über tollen Frisuren berichten die entdeckt habe! Und zwar wurden sie von MikaKatia designt!
Heute habe ich etwas interessantes für alle User unter uns die auf den ROCKABILLY STYLE stehen!
Nach GlamЯus stockt nun auch Splendid auf, zwar sind es nicht viele neue Haarreifen und Haarschmuck, dennoch finde ich sie sehr schön und der Preis ist auch angemessen. Desweiter hat Spendid nun auch ein neues, schickeres Design.
Step One
Add fake lashes, and both mascaras, for full eyelashes!
Hello starblog readers
Have you bought and decorated your Alpine Chalet yet? Well I was looking around stardoll and found a member called Waterfairys who did something pretty amazing with hers! She made it into Godric's Hollow from the Harry Potter series. As all you Potter fans will know, Godric's Hollow is the small village where Harry Potters parents lived when he was a baby. If you have read the books or seen the most recent Harry Potter movie you will know how amazing her suite is as it looks very similar to how Godric's Hollow is depicted.
Capriccio style, an artistic movement popular in the eighteenth century, flourishes on Stardoll. These imaginary landscapes are like national parks in the Stardoll nation, offering visitors a quiet respite from daily life. You can enjoy a calm walk on a farm, and get your toes wet on a tropical beach, all in an afternoon. I recently visited Miss-Lacasitos9's suite and greatly enjoyed my stay. Her use of color effectively captured the right mood for each setting. She is quite talented. Let your inner artist run wild, and experiment with your own style. Who knows where your talent will take you?
A whimsical farmyard scene by Miss-Lacasitos9.
Hey readers! Hope you've all had a good holiday period! This look is from the stunning ievina111:
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"