- The Shrink Wrap Spectacular was the title of Henrik vibskov’s collection for the fall – and spectacular it was. A large installation of white drums was hit by drum sticks when the models stepped on the pedals which represented the podium and the installation.
- Hallo liebe Starblog-Leser, nach einiger Zeit der Abwesenheit bin ich nun wieder da um euch die Kleider der Stars, welche ihr hier auf Stardoll kaufen könnt, zu präsentieren.
One of the hottest designing medolls is tata79Orange. This ravishing medoll shows us her flair for design in both her suite and baazar. From her classy kitchen to the precious kitties she designs, her style leaves you wanting more. “Classic clothing and accessories experience a new birth each season. Elegance and femininity are always stylish despite the trends,” said tata79Orange.She went on to say that when a black cat crossed her path, it brought her good luck! She did what she does best, and designed one on Stardoll. Anyone would be lucky to own one of her creations! Delighting in both modern and vintage, her suite is an amusing adventure. Like any good ride, it ends in a gift shop. From floral earrings to furry felines, this medoll’s style is something to purr about.
Hello Gorgeous dollies! Alba here! After spending 10 minutes deciding what I was going to dress my medoll up next, I noticed that all of my options included an array of denim! This sparked my idea of creating an article dedicated to the popular pants. I decided to take a peek through the StarPlaza & my closet to choose the TOP MUST HAVE jeans on Stardoll! Here they are;
Daniela Katzenberger möchte helfen und hat nun zugunsten zweier Behinderten Einrichtungen
ihren 13 Jahre alten Citroën Saxo bei ebay versteigert.
- Hey girlies! It's Jade here. I just wanted to talk about a topic I feel is very dear to me in my life: Individuality. Now, I've been reading comments from my Covergirl tips blog post and wanted to tell everybody that I would never tell you to change who you are. That is just wrong. I believe our world is beautiful because of the diversity and uniqueness of the people.
Hey ihr Lieben :)
Der Winter nimmt leider kein Ende & mit zunehmender Kälte leidet unsere Haut leider mit - um dem entgegenzuwirken, dachte ich, wäre ein Blogbeitrag mit Tipps ganz interessant.
- nicht zu lange und erst Recht nicht heiß duschen
- milde Duschöle oder gar seifenfreie, milde Reinigungslotionen verwenden -> Seife entzieht der Haut Feuchtigkeit
- If you love french toast, you'll love this recipe.
Hey, so my last Stardoll Wardrobe Essentials post was all about the black coloured basics, and this one is about the white/pale basics that I think should be in all wardrobes!
1. White Vest Top. This item is a key piece for a great Stardoll wardrobe. It is from Bizou and costs only 50SC's - what a bargain! It's a versatile piece and can be worn in pretty much all styles - tucked into a skirt, loose with jeans, with a jacket - there are endless possibilities for this gem!
- Schminken! Ja ich dachte mir, weil einige von euch nicht ,,gerade'' schminken können, habe ich euch ein paar Tips mitgebracht!
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