There has been a false rumor going around for a few years now and finally Callie.Stardoll has cleared it out on Stardoll Royalty Club.
Hallo lieber Leser,
nach meinem letzten Post über Plateau-Turnschuhe wünschte sich eine Userin einen Post über Sneaker-Heels. - Da ist er!
Zuerst: der Trend ist nicht der Neuste!
Heii ihr Lieben,
In letzter Zeit sieht man die Amerikanische und Britische Flagge immer öfter auf Kleidungsstücken.
- NEW make-over tutorial! Today I made an Emma Watson tutorial for you guys! Since a lot of people love her looks I decided to make a tutorial of her. The facial features came out so wrong so ignore them. I really tried to match the reference picture I got, so the make-up can look almost the same. Let me know what you guys think.
This week, we introduced the Millionaire Mansion to our ever-growing Luxury Suite Collection! In this post, we'll take a peek at the Millionaire Mansions, as modeled by some of our Official Dolls.
I wanted to show 3 Medolls from the United States who all have awesome fashion sense, creativity, and are very unique in their styles.
- I hope you're all having an amazing summer thus far. I love the long lazy sweet days of summer however the Scorching hot days can be a bit of a drag . I'd like to share a few of my tips for keeping cool . Air conditioning is a sure way of keeping cool but not everyone is up for using ac for one reason or another and if you aren't it's fine because you can still keep your environment cool.
Hallo liebe/r Stardolluser/in ,
Ich bin die neue Starbloggerin und stelle mich ersteinmal vor , ich bin GoldieLili1 und bin schon seid 2 Jahren auf Stardoll angemeldet , ich persönlich finde diese Seite sehr schön , hier dreht sich fast alles um Mode , und ich habe auch eine sehr gute Freundin hier kennengelernt (Putikrot) .
This post is all about how to win Catwalk. These tips come from personal experience and I think they will be very helpful. Never give up on winning because you don't know when you just might find that gold shoe trophy in your suite!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"