

Lauren Conrad Dip Dyes Her Hair (+ How to Get the Look)

vor 166 Monaten

Photo: Courtesy of LaurenConrad+KristinEss/tumblr.com

“Reality TV“—how does that word taste in your mouth? We either eat it up or spit it out, but there’s always that one person who’s the exception to the rules of the reality star world. Lauren Conrad has risen to the top of her career with two fashion lines, three books, and a beauty website without falling into the doom and gloom that usually comes with the post-reality show life (Oh, that guy is STILL on Real World challenges, how old is he, 50?). Although she came to fame as our favorite “character” on Laguna beach and The Hills, Conrad was never just your typical reality star—we knew right away that the girl had spunk. But spunk in the form of dip-dyed ends? Even we didn’t see this coming from the always classy fashion princess. But guess what, we got your back Lauren. We are BIG fans of the dip-dye trend. Conrad left the power up to us in the form of a poll on her beauty site. She asked readers whether or not she should leave the tie-dyed tips to the “rebelling teens,” but we all know that there’s nothing better than those teenage years. Sixty percent of “Do It’s” got the job done, and uh…who’s to say whether or not my finger hit the “Do It” button more times than one. Conrad posted the result today and opted for tie-dyed ends of purple, pink, and blue. And well, with a few tousled strands of purple hair myself, I can’t say I hate it. Like it, love it, want it? Here are some tips on how to dip dye your own hair. After all, this is a new generation of party people.

What you’ll need: Hair bleach, developer, gloves, brush, foil, dye
Photo: Courtesy of Sally Beauty. Color Brilliance Powder Lightener, $3

Now, depending on the shade of your hair you may need a stronger lift or more packets.

Photo: Courtesy of Sally Beauty. Sensitive Scalp Ion Developer, $2

Photo: Courtesy of Sally Beauty. Manic Panic Hair Dye, $9 Manic Panic has an awesome array of colors and get this, the colors semi-permanent so tell mom or dad not to fear!

Photo: Courtesy of Sally Beauty. Hair Dye Brush, $1

Steps to Complete the Look:

1. Mix hair bleach and developer in a plastic bowl until you get an icy-like consistency.

2. Section out your hair; keep first section on top of head with a clip.

3. Split the bottom section in 1/2 and apply bleach to desire ends up to your desire length. Feather the brush towards the top and cover completely.

4. Apply foil (yes, you can steal the foil in your kitchen) to each section of hair, take bottom half of your hair down and do the same.

5. Heat ends with a blow dryer and check each section to make sure they are fully saturated.

6. Remove foils and rinse over the sink.

7. Put your desired hair color into a plastic cup and apply generously! This is the time to have some fun.

8. Wrap colored hair in plastic bag and apply heat, the longer it holds, the better the color keeps.

9. Let hair cool for 5 minutes.

10. Rinse ends with condition and smile at your sick new hair in the mirror! Live a little, or live a lot and show us what the ends of your hair have got!

