Dezember 2012
- With botox and laser, everything is possible these days but we have reasons to believe that none of these seven stars have used any of the mentioned. Still our jaws dropped to the ground when we found out their age! Can you guess how old they are? Test yourself with our quiz!
- "I.... Had.... The time of my life....". Ihr kennt ja den Text, oder? Sieht so aus als würden Taylor Swift und Harry Styles wirklich die Zeit ihres Lebens haben und sie haben sogar angefangen den weltbekannten Film nachzuahmen (Dirty Dancing, falls das jemand noch nicht mitbekommen hat).
Heres the rest of the interview with Dodence_bt!
- Wir waren alle mal jung und ihr wisst ja was man sagt - wir sind wie guter Wein, wir werden besser mit dem Alter!
Bonjour ♥ ♥ ♥
Meine Mode-Weltreise startet in der Stadt der Liebe.
As Christmas is creeping round the corner, the lights are on, the tree is decorated and the gifts are wrapped (well....almost)! Those of you who are last minute shoppers can get in the festive mood with these top holiday themed films to get you into the spirit of Christmas!
- We spotted Gwen Stefani returning to her car after dropping her son off at school yesterday! So cute. We've said it before but will say it again: we absolutely LOVE to see the celebs out and about doing all the things the rest of us do... They choose to give their nannies a break and bring the children to school themselves. Aww!
- A life full of adventures lies ahead of you. A journey across far away lands and deep wavering oceans. The skyline that you fill with your deepest thoughts. And the open roads that carries you across the paths you cross. Life is like a map. And the only thing you need to do is to connect the dots, and watch life unfold. There is so much in store for us, so why do we keep on pondering on thoughts, things and people that put us, and our feelings down?
- Finally! Kristen Stewart has finally confirmed: she told the HuffingtonPost, “I can confirm that rumor,” -referring to stories that leaked in the past month about that she’s slated to be in the movie Focus. "It’s a comedy. I’m really excited about it,” she added. It's on Ben Affleck, who'll be involved as a veteran artist, that focus is said to be on - and he teams up with a young woman who's totally new to the grifter lifestyle. Oh boy! The production on the movie begins in April, so there is after all quite a while left until we get to see it on the screens, but oh so we're waiting!
- Okay guys, this is actually kind of funny (and stupid!). Parts of One Direction, Niall Horan, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson to be exact, drove around in their private SUV in New York City the other day, when Louis suddenly decided to capture the amazing surroundings standing thorough the sun roof - while the car was still moving! He was really excited, just check out the video below, until NYPD stopped the car and questioned the risky move. BUT, everything was forgiven when the police recognized the teen stars, and one of them even snapped a picture with the guys. Well, we think they at least should've gotten some kind of warning - that was dangerous!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"