November 2012
- Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie scheinen die Hände mit ihren sechs Kindern ziemlich voll zu haben und nun haben wir gehört, dass sie es ihnen schwer fällt alle die ganze Zeit im Auge zu behalten.
When you join stardoll, you are given money and items, and then it's down to you. My posts will show you how to become a stardoll queen from nothing. You can use any freebie or beginners item to make an outfit that rocks, you just need the ability.
- We thought Kristen Stewart would take a long nice vacation after finally finishing up the final Twilight movie, but oh no, think again. The super star is eager to get a job, and she's really not looking forward to a calm day. "I'm kinda desperate to get a job right now", she recently said in an interview. "I'm itching to get back to work". She's such a serious actress and for that we love her! Wonder what her next big project will be, we bet it's something kinda indie!
...I am the latest Starblogger, Redstargal. It's an honor to be chosen to write for the Starblog, and I can't put into words how thrilled I am.
Just a little bit about myself. I am thirteen years old, I like fashion, reading, writing, and Stardoll. I can't wait to write for you, and thank you for reading.
- Thank you for those who are coming back to view my videos. This is a very special video. It follows two other videos that give you techniques and tricks for any make-up lover. ANYONE can watch this video. This video will specifically show you how to enhance the look of your eyes and make them bigger. If you don't want your eyes to 'seem' bigger, then this video isn't for you. Thanks for watching and keep telling me what are your questions about make-up. I will happily make a video for you on that specific question of yours next time!
- Wir können nicht anders, als diese Bilder von One Directions Auftritt bei der Today Show auf dem Rockefeller Plaza in New York City mit euch zu teilen! Diese Jungs sich einfach viiiiiel zu heiß, oder was denkt ihr?!
- Sometimes it may seem like your skin is impossible to manage. Today, I'm here to put an end to all of that. Here are some tips to help prevent breakouts and clear them up as fast as possible:
- We spotted Selena Gomez outside her Manhattan hotel yesterday evening! She was surrounded by fans and from what we can see on the pics she looks really happy! So maybe she's not too sad about her and Justin Biebers' big break up after all? Well, we sure would be....
- It's almost here, the end of the Twilight saga. We can't even begin to explain how excited we are to see the final movie, but it's kinda sad too, saying good bye to the story we've followed for so many years. Anyhow, watching the final movie will also mean watching the hunks, Edward and Jacob (also known as Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner) one final time. So now we wanna know for real, who is the hotter Twilight hunk? Help us decide! Click on the pics for a closer look - and vote!
One of my absolute favorite stores on Stardoll is Voile. My style on Stardoll usually consists of one of the beautiful skirts or dresses from this store. Voile has many elaborate pieces and amazing accessories!
Here are some of my favorite dresses I bought from the Starbazaar:
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