Oktober 2012
- Halloween is just around the corner and we see decorations and scary pumpkins like EVERYWHERE now - especially in Hollywood. Just the other day we saw how Ashley Tisdale and Miley Cyrus have decorated their homes, and it's really spooky! Click on the pics and check it out!
- We guess no one have missed that Justin Timberlake and his beautiful bride Jessica Biel tied the knot this Friday at a resort in Puglia, south of Italy. The night is said to have been truly wonderful, and Justin himself reveals what he thinks about it: "It was magical", he told. "It was an unforgettable evening", the actor/singer continued. Also Jessica was thrilled about their BIG day: "It was a fantasy", she said. "It's great to be married, the ceremony was beautiful and it was so special to be surrounded by our family and friends", they both told in a statement this weekend. Oh, it sounds like a dream come true for both of them!
- Halloween steht kurz vor der Tür und wir sehen eigentlich ÜBERALL Dekorationen und gruselige Kürbisse - besonders in Hollywood.
It's that time of year again where stardoll members have an excuse to show off their talent and creativity. Last year I came across some great Halloween costumes on stardoll and with the introduction of stardesign jewellery and hair I'm sure this years costumes will be even better!
- Give your tresses a turn to the dark side this halloween, with these enticing hues of black!
- Es ist schon eine Weile her, seitdem wir Kristen Stewarts wunderschönes Lächeln gesehen haben (ja, ihr wisst ja alle warum ...), aber gestern entdeckten wir sie an einem Flughafen in Japan.
- Lauren Conrad has the prettiest orange dress ever on as she greets fans and signs copies of her new book in the orange state of Florida! Wish we were there to meet her too!
- Wie wir alle wissen, kann einem ein Lächeln von jemandem den Tag versüßen und deshalb dachten wir uns das dies den Rest eures Tages viel besser machen wird.
Today I'll be showing you a technique on how to use your eyeliner on Stardoll. It makes your eyes look effective. All you need is:
Two shades of eyeliners, one dark and one light.
Two shades of eyeshadows that match the colours of the eyeliners.
- Time to think about what fabulous things to wear all week long! Let's take a look at what the stars have pulled out of their closets! Stephanie Pratt has the cutest pink satin tunic on and Cheryl Cole is hot stuff in black leather pants. Click on the pictures for this week's top 10 celebrity fashion inspiration!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"