Juli 2012
- Ein Topmodel zu werden ist nicht so einfach, aber einige der Kandidatinnen von GNTM arbeiten hart daran es zu schaffen
Hay liebe Leser,
Mir ist gestern eine Idee gekommen, dass wir sozusagen einen kleinen Starblog internen Wettbewerb machen könnten.
So würde der Wettbewerb funktionieren:
Jede Woche erstelle ich einen Beitrag der die Überschrift “Stardoll´s next Starblogger“ hat.
- Hello everyone! I love to paint my nails. It is fun and a great way to be creative! Today I want to show you the Nymph Nail tutorial. It looks very pretty and colorful!
- Jennifer Lopez was looking gorgeous as always when she performed on stage with singer Enrique Iglesias. Her show looks really cool, and we'd love to go se her live! Such a beautiful and multi-talanted woman!
- Justin Bieber und Selena Gomez werden heiraten! Moment mal, wast?! Hier ist die Erklärung... Im Mai war Timbaland bei Justin Timerlake und Jessica Biel's "geheimer" Verlobungsparty. Niemand sollte das wissen - aber alle wussten es!
Hello Stardoll members! Today we're going to take a look through my suite. I've been spend a lot of time and also stardollars getting it to where I like it. If you're an aspiring interior designer like myself, Stardoll is a great way to practive your skill and get feedback from other people our age.
- Der 32jährige Rapper The Game (Jayceon Terrell Taylor) hat die Hochzeit mit seiner Ex-Verlobten, Tiffney Cambridge, am 28. Juli abgesagt. The Game sagt er sei Schuld. Er und seine Verlobte Tiffney Cambridge sollten angeblich auch eine Hochzeits-Reality-Show bekommen, die nun auch abgesagt wurde.
- Danger at work! Halle Berry was rushed to the hospital Tuesday night after suffering an injury on the set of her latest movie 'The Hive'. Sourses say that Halle fell and hit her head on concrete. Due to the risk of serious injury, the film crew rang and ambulace which picked Halle up at the set and drove her straight to the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in L.A. Sources say that Halle has now been released from the hospital and will go back to the movie set to keep filming scenes as planned.This is not the actresses first accident at work. Earlier this year, she suffered an ankle injury during another movie shoot in Spain. We are a bit concerned, does she take on too dangerous roles or is she just having bad days at work? Either way, take it easy and get well soon Halle! (tmz)
Photo: courtesy of VintageDenimCompany on Etsy
It seems like lately every store you enter is selling embellished or altered high-waisted denim cutoff shorts. This denim trend has absolutely taken over casual summer style and the look never fails to look cool. While making a pair of DIY denim shorts from an old pair of jeans is an easy trick, we’ve got a tutorial that will help you take your jorts to the next level. Check out these EG tips on how to create your very own destroyed ombre dyed denim shorts. The first trick to making your DIY denim shorts look store bought is of course to totally destroy them! This can easily be done with an xacto knife, some tweezers, sandpaper and a lot of patience. To get that look where threads are exposed going in only one direction follow these steps:
1. Make 2 parallel slits in your denim going horizontally with your xacto knife.
Photo: courtesy of Xacto Gripster Craft Knife, $5.
2. With your tweezers, start pulling out all of the pieces of fabric running vertically leaving behind only the strings running from left to right.
Photo: courtesy of Sephora Anastasia Tweezer, $28.
3. Rub the edges of the rip with sandpaper for that perfectly destroyed look you’d otherwise be paying for in stores.
Next, to create the ombre effect you’ll need a bucket and some powder or liquid fabric dye in any color you like, we think pink turns out great!
1. Follow the instructions on the back of your dye and fill your bucket with a little less than the suggested amount of water, then add about one third of the fabric dye into the water.
Photo: courtesy of I've Got a Notion
Rit Dye Powder in Rose Pink, $2.
2. Dip your shorts into the mixture about halfway and let them sit for 20 minutes.
3. Next, pull your shorts out of the water so that one third of the previously dipped part of denim is now out of the dye and water mixture. Add another third of the dye to the water. Let the bottom 2/3 of the dyed part sit in the darker water for another 20 minutes.
4. Finally, pull out your shorts so that only the tips of them are now in the solution and add the remaining dye into the water. Let them sit for another 20 minutes.
5. Rinse out your shorts, let them dry and you’re done! The result will be some extremely cool ombre dyed denim shorts that will fade from a dark shade of magenta at the bottom to a barely there tickled hue on top before fading into a normal denim color.
- Aufgepasst Directioners! Wir lieben die britisch/irische Boyband und würden gern alles über sie wissen. Aber wie gut kenn ihr sie? Klickt auf die Bilder und macht das Quiz!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"