Juni 2012
- Pink is the color of the summer! It can make you look sophisticated and girly flirty at the same time. If you don't dare to wear a party dress in startling pink, choose some pink accessories like a pair of girly heels or a festive clutch! Click on the picture for some inspiration and check out 10 pink sugar sweets!
- Wir waren ein wenig in Prinz WIlliam verliebt, als wir jünger waren. Inzwischen sind wir älter geworden und er ebenso.
- Britney Spears has really stepped things up a little when it comes to fashion! We spotted her wearing this amazingly cute long sleeved nude dress, matched with a pair of golden peep toe pumps. She was really glowing, and we'd sure wear this to any cool party this summer! Way to go, BritBrit!
- Channing Tatum is quickly turning into one of the The It Actors in Hollywood. From Alabama country boy to one of the most sought after faces, we understand why every girl we know has a crush on him! Too bad he's married to the lovely Jenna Dewan. Did you know Channing met his wife on the set of "Step Up" ? Oh yeah, he can dance too! Click on the pics to find out more about Channing.
- One trend we keep noticing time and time again is the statement necklace. Whether it´s on the red carpet or a relaxing day on the town, stars like Blake Lively, Heidi Klum and Rihanna rock this look! Click on the pics to see your favorite stars in their favorite necklaces.
- Hermione Granger is history for fashionista Emma Watson today. When we first got to know her in the Harry Potter movies she was this young child actress with a big fuzzy hair and freckles on her nose. But as she moved on from her former character, her style changed and she grew up. Click on the pics and see Emma's journey from child star to fashionista!
- Hüte werden derzeit in allen möglichen Varianten und Formen von Promis getragen. Ob mit oder ohne Bad Hair Day, ein Hut ist das perfekte Accessoire für jeden Tag!
Hay liebe Leser,
In letzter Zeit habe ich ja immer über Beauty-Rezepte geschrieben, das fanden einige aber nicht so gut.
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