April 2012
- Wir haben heute Morgen Orlando Bloom und Sohnemann Flynn Bloom beim Wandern in Runyon Canyon Park gesehen! Modelmama Miranda Kerr war nicht mit dabei, aber Flynn muss dennoch das glücklichste Promi-Kind überhaupt sein.
Hallo, meine lieben Leser! :)
Heute melde ich mich mit einem aktuellen Thema auf Stardoll - ''Mainstream''...
''Mainstream (englisch wortwörtlich für 'Hauptstrom') bzw. Massengeschmack spiegelt den kulturellen Geschmack einer großen Mehrheit wieder.'' - Wikipedia
Hi Dolls!
Sorry das ich immer und immer weniger schreibe! Naja wie der Name schon sagt geht es um ein Make up.
Und noch etwas immer wenn ich hier schreibe fällt mir nix ein wie ich die ganze sachen formulieren soll.
- Vergesst Platin- und Asch-Blond - das heißeste Blond in diesem Jahr ist ein hübscher honigfarbender Ton! Wir lieben diese goldene Farbe, denn sie passt zu jeder Hautfarbe.
- Woah, we didn't see this coming but now that's happening we totally get it! Ashton Kutcher will play Apple creator, Steve Jobs, in the upcoming indie movie "Jobs." The film will be about Steve from his beginning as a hippie to when he became the most famous creative tech guy in the world! Don't expect to see "Jobs" anytime soon, production won't start till May. Regardless, we're still excited and can see an eerie similarity between Steven and Ashton- seriously just take a bit of weight off Ashton's face and they could be brothers! (variety)
Hallo meine lieben. ich habe vor kurzem ein Wettbwerb gestartet, der den namen DER Frühling trägt. Ich habe mir 20 Teilnehmer ausgesucht und ich hoffe, dass ihr auch die aufgaben erledigt, die ich euch gebe.
Hallo liebe Leser,
Endlich habe ich es geschafft, um auch mal wieder ein Make Up Tutorial zu schminken. Heute etwas krasser und bunter. Thema Couture und Frühling. Viel Spaß beim lesen und nachmachen.
- Ladies rejoice! We've heard rumors that Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are over! Eva and Ryan met in the upcoming movie, "The Place Beyond The Pines" and many believe that their relationship has just been to promote the movie. And now they're tired of it! Producers have been afraid that they'll breakup before the big promotional tours start, and it seems like their worst fear has come true!
Ryan was spotted having lunch with a German model the other day. He recently told Eva that he needed time "to think." We'll be honest, we never really liked them as a couple and we'd be happy to see Ryan single again. Fingers crossed this rumor is true! (celebitchy)
- Nachdem Anika Scheibe die VOX Castingshow Das Perfekte Model gewonnen hat, versucht sie nun ihre Laufstehkarriere zu starten. Ein erster Schritt ist ihr Auftritt in der Mercedes-Welt in Berlin.
Dries Van Noten last night at FIAF. Photo: Getty Images
In a rare appearance, Dries Van Noten spoke at the French Institute Alliance Française in New York last night as part of the organization’s Fashion Talks series. There, he admitted that although his pieces are admired for their beauty, he, like Miuccia Prada, starts designing by looking at the ugly: “I’m more inspired by things which I don’t like … nothing is so boring as something beautiful. I prefer ugly things, I prefer things which are surprising … You force yourself to ask yourself questions. Quite often I make a collection and I say, ‘Here’s a color I really don’t like.’ … My assistants will say ‘Okay, you don’t like lilac,’ [that means] this season will be lilac. It’s like you see a color, and you think, ‘Why don’t I like this color?’ Maybe the composition is wrong, maybe the lighting is wrong — it would be beautiful in silk, but not the synthetic fabric … That for me is the fun, to play with all the [fabrics].” As for fast fashion and knockoffs, he opined: “It’s the reality. I don’t want to live in the old world, like 35, 30 years ago when people had prêt-à-porter and that was it. I think fast fashion is good. I think modern people combine vintage with designer clothes, with a piece they buy at Zara or other stores—why not?”
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