März 2012
- Now that it's spring it's time to get out your leather jacket! It's probably the most versatile item in your wardrobe. It goes with practically everything and it's always trendy! Celebs like Emma Watson and Kristen Stewart are almost never seen without their cool classic jackets. Click on the pics and get some great spring inspiration!
- Die Pariser Modewoche neigt sich ihrem Ende zu und wir haben daher einige der heißesten Promis für euch zusammengestellt, denn bei so einem Modeevent will jeder mit dabei sein. Teilweise war die Mode richtig schräg und verwegen, teilweise richtig klassisch und toll - klickt euch durch die Bilder der besten und komischsten Looks!
- We spotted Ashley Tisdale the other day out shopping! We always love her style, especially the red Chanel bag she carries with her EVERYWHERE! Where there is Ashley, there is red Chanel. What a great signature bag!
Here are a few medolls I dressed up in Black and white(:
- Last night a lot of events went down. From a party honoring the TV show "New Girl," a spring gala, Paris Fashion Week arrivals, and the premiere of "Friends With Kids," our favorite celebs were spotted all over the world. We saw Katy Perry at Yves Saint Laurent, Megan Fox in New York, and Zooey Deschanel in California! But the question is, who dressed best?
- Nehmt ihr euch auch immer ein Beispiel an Blake Lively oder Whitney Port, wenn ihr prominente Kleidungsinspiration braucht? Das ist eine gute Idee, also fast immer. Denn auch Fashionistas machen ab und zu mal Fehler - sehr schlimme Fehler!
Hallo liebe Leser,
In diesem Artikel stelle ich euch Schuhe aus dem "Perfect Day"-Laden vor. Das diese Schuhe nicht nur perfekt für den Hochzeitstag sind, sondern für jede Gelegenheit, zeigen euch die Stars.
That famous Stardoll logo is catchy and memorable, It's been around ever since my very first day on this website in 2007. I've noticed that with so many members many users become intimidated and choose to keep this game only to themselves, and not really open to meeting new people on this website.I cannot recommend it enough to sending a few strangers messages on here and getting to meet new people. Why? You're able to safely communicate with others from all over the globe, and even learn about their culture & personalities just by a few clicks of a keyboard!
- We spotted Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, and Elizabeth Hurley on the set of Gossip Girl in Manhattan. We love Blake's patterned scarf, especially against her black coat. But the best part? Diana (Liz Hurley) is back! Do you think she is Chuck's mom?
- Internetbeziehungen gibt es heutzutage in jedem Netzwerk. Ob in Facebook, Myspace oder hier in Stardoll – die Liebe findet wohl immer einen außergewöhnlichen Weg. Wozu gibt es also noch zahlungspflichtige Partnerbörsen?
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"