März 2012
- Celebrities like Academy Award winner, Reese Witherspoon, or Grammy winner, Adele, have spent a long time getting to the top. They have earned their respect. When you look at someone like Reese, becoming a celebrity seems like a really hard thing to do! But then there are people like Kim Kardashian and Nicky Hilton- what did they do? Absolutely nothing! Click on the pics and see a couple of stars who have taken the easy route by becoming famous for just being famous.
- Einige unserer liebsten weiblichen Promis haben zum Rasierer gegriffen und sich die langen, luxouriösen Locken abgeschnitten. Einige haben es für eine Filmrolle getan, andere einfach nur so.
- Sienna Miller hat alles versucht, ihr Schwangerschaft geheim zu halten, aber nun hat sie endlich die Gerüchte bestätigt! Sie erwartet ein Kind mit ihrem Freund Tom Sturridge. Das Paar ist erst seit kurzer Zeit zusammen (seit Mitte 2011), aber Sienna freut sich darauf eine Familie mit Tom zu gründen.
- What day is it today? It's not just Thursday, it's Hottie Thursday! Yummy! We've seen ten guys with eyes we're drowning in! So are you in the mood for some eye candy today? Click on the pics and check out our favorite guys like Ian Somerhalder and Alexander Skarsgard right away!
- Es ist aus zwischen dem Desperate Housewives Star Eva Longoria und dem Sänger Eduardo Cruz (Penelope Cruz's jüngerer Bruder). Nach einem Jahr haben die beiden Schluss gemacht, bestätigt eine Quelle, die dem Paar nahe steht.
- It's that time of year again! Time to get out your favorite spring dresses! Even if the air is a bit chilly, we love pairing a denim dress with colorful tights. Click on the pics to see 10 celebs who are delightful in denim!
- We spotted Kiefer Sutherland while out and about and he didn't look to happy to have his picture taken! In fact, it looks like he wants to throw a punch at the paparazzi. Calm down, Kief!
- It's over between Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria and the singer Eduardo Cruz (Penelope Cruz's younger brother). After a year together the pair have called it quits, a source close to the couple confirms. The couple broke up for a few days ago and Eduardo is on his way back to his home town, Madrid. "It was a mutual decision and they are staying as friends", the source explains. The filming for Desperate Housewives is keeping Eva busy and this makes her think of other things. This is just so sad, they seemed so happy with each other! (us Weekly)
- Erinnert ihr euch noch an Queensberry? Die Band bestehend aus 4 Mädels wurde ursprünglich in der siebten Staffel der Castingshow Popstars zusammengestellt, hat aber seitdem schon 2 Sängerinnen ausgetauscht.
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