März 2012
- Miranda Kerr ist das Mädchen, das wir gern wären! Sexy Ehemann, toller Job, süßes Baby und hübsch! Im Ernst, sie ein glückliches Mädchen! Sie ist extrem stylisch! Wir haben unsere 10 liebsten Looks an Miranda zusammengestellt, schaut sie euch an!
- There are alot of hot women in Hollywood but they are usually taken. But we have listed the hottest single celebrity ladies to watch in 2012. Sit back and enjoy these beautiful single ladies! Click on the pictures to check out 10 hot Hollywood stars that are single right now!
- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ist einfach wunderbar. Phasenweise, jedenfalls. Sie verblüffte uns alle letzten Sommer mit ihren Outfit für die Premiere des Films "Tranformers 3" und seitdem beeindruckt sie uns immer wieder mit ihren Alltagsoutfits. Schaut euch die Bilder an!
- The single lady, Charlize Theron, is now a mom! A close source to Charlize have confirmed that she have adopted a baby boy. The boy named Jackson, was born in The United States and is African-American. This is the first child for Charlize. The source says, "She has always wanted to be a mom, she is glad to be able to do it on her own now and is so happy to be a mom." Congrats to Charlize and her baby boy Jackson, we're so happy for you! (usmagazine)
- Werden Jennifer Lopez und ihr Freund Casper Smart heiraten? Die Spekulationen um eine mögliche Hochzeit begannen, als Designer Roberto Cavalli ein zweideutigen Kommentar auf Twitter postete: "Heute... rief mich Jennifer Lopez an....Sie will ein besonderes Kleid. Für ihre nächste Hochzeit."
- As many of you know, on Stardoll, there are non-superstars, superstars, and royalty. In my last few posts, I saw many non-superstars saying that they are never in the starblog posts, which is not true, but I decided to share a few non-superstars that I dressed up!
- Are Jennifer Lopez and her boyfriend Casper Smart ready to get hitched? The speculations started when fashion designer Roberto Cavalli posted an intriguing but very misspelled Tweet. "Today , Jenifer Lopez. Call me...... She ask me. To create a special dress. For her next weding. !", he wrote. "Wich color ... Do you advise me. ?"But the imminent plans for the wedding are not true. Cavalli's Twitter account was hacked and he didn't write that Tweet. But the rumour is not completely false. The couple are going strong. "Jennifer thinks she is very lucky to have met Casper," says a close source. "He is everything that Marc wasn't: kind, supportive, appreciative...There is a lot of love between [them]. He treats her like a queen." a source says. So will we hear wedding bells in the near future? We hope so! (people)
- Solving equations, simplifying fractions, working the magical wonders of geometry - mathematics has never been my strongest point, in fact we've never really got on. But let me tell you, over the years this intriguing world of numbers has slowly started to grow on me!
- Erinnert ihr euch noch an "Türkisch für Anfänger" - die Serie lief früher in der ARD und nun gibt es einen Kinofilm. In den Hauptrollen sind wieder Josefine Preuß (als Lena) und Elyas M’Barek (als Cem) zu sahen, die im Film auf einer Insel stranden.
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"