Februar 2012
- Wenn es um Röcke geht, dann es schwierig sein die richtige Länge zu tragen und das trifft auch auf Frisuren zu!
- Katy Perry überraschte das Publikum bei den Grammy's mit einem tollen Auftritt, und sag ihren neuen Song "Part of Me". Wir finden sie beweist mal wieder, dass die beste Rache ist, gut zu leben und super heiß auszusehen.
- Fahrräder sind ein toller Weg umweltfreundlich und aktive zu sein. Wir finden sie toll und das tun auch viele Promis.
- Hey Dollies! I'm sure you all are well aware of Valentine's Day coming up this month. Who could forget the holiday when a majority of our local stores are flooded with "Be Mine" candies and decor.
Hey, ihr lieben Leser! :3
Nun kommt wie versprochen der zweite Teil meines Beitrags.
Ich hoffe, dass es euch wenigstens etwas gefallen hat.Alpine Chalet
- Letzte Nach fanden die Grammys statt und alle heißen Promis waren da! Wie ihr wisst gewann Adele so ziemlich jeden Grammy und sie sah toll aus, wie ein echter Star!
Hey, ihr lieben Dollies! :)
Ich bin Nicha, eine neue Starbloggerin.
Heute habe ich für euch die Beach Villa & das Alpine Chalet getestet.
- Hey, so this post is all about my favourite 3 StarCoin bags available in the StarPlaza right now! As I've said, these are my favourites, but they don't have to be your favourites too :)
- The singer was born on August, 9, 1963 in New Jersey, USA. When she was young she was was a notable gospel singer. Whitney debuted her first album in 1985 and won her first Grammy in 1986. In 1992 she went on to marry her husband Bobby Brown, who she filed for divorce from in 2006. The two shared one child together, Bobbi Kristina.Whitney Houston reigned as pop music's queen. She will be remembered as one of the greatest singer we have ever had. She was multiplatinum pop/R&B singer who ruled the charts for decades beginning in the mid-1980's. We have collected some of her most memorable moments!Take look at the legendary singer through the years!
- Wow, congratulations to Adele! She won almost every award at the Grammy's last night. Seriously, we aren't kidding! Adele won the following awards: Album of the Year: 21Record of the Year: Rolling in The DeepSong of the Year: Rolling in The DeepPop Vocal Album: 21Best Pop Solo Performance: Someone Like YouThis is definitely Adele's year! Other winners were Kanye West for Rap Album (My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy), Justin Vernon of Bon Iver for Best New Artist, and Taylor Swift for Best Country Solo Perfomance (Mean). Congrats to everyone, but a huge congrats to Adele!
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