Dezember 2011
- Plaid isn't just for lumberjacks anymore! We've spotted some of the hottest fashionistas wearing this cozy print in the most couture ways. We love pairing a plaid skirt with a tough leather jacket or what about a chic plaid dress? Click on the pics to see celebs who are mad for plaid!
Seasons Greetings Dolls
I would like to share a few holiday inspired nail looks with you. These are all very simple to do and can be worn even after the Holiday season minus the snow flakes maybe.
The First Look is inspired by Peppermint candy :
- Emily Blunt was seen leaving John Varvatos boutique with a whole lot of bags! Seems like someone found some Christmas presents, and we wonder who's gonna get them! Maybe her husband John Krasinski? We'll see!
- Helllllo Dollies!
Even though I have a touch of a cough and cold, I'm here to tell you about this week's Dream Suite!
Italian Stardollie baebina has created perhaps my favorite winter wonderland! I love to see the groups of children sleighing and playing in the snow. I wonder - do those kids know that Santa's Workshop is just a few rooms away? Plus you can also visit the lovely salon to get all gussied up for any holiday party!
Click through the images to check out images of baebina's suite, then stop by using the link below!
P.S. Have you seen the amazing Alpine Chalet? As soon as I saw it, I started singing 'Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!'
- Hier kommt gucci9000's Geschichte:
Eines Abends saß ich mit meiner Familie im Wohnzimmer und war total aufgeregt. Als es schon spät war und relativ dunkel, habe ich beschlossen ins Bett zu gehen.
- Liebe Dollies!
Heute möchte ich euch gerne ein sehr aussergewöhnliche Suite vorstellen. Sie gehört einer italienischen Nutzerin, ihr Name ist Baebina, und sie hat ihren Hauptraum in eine wundervolle Winterladschaft verwandelt!
- Quiz time! Do you recognize our favorite stars when they were only kids and not in the public eyes yet? They were so cute! We’ve picked out some of the easiest ones, so you should be able to guess them all! Click on the picture to guess the celebs!
Hello! My name is Kirsten/sparklewand12 and I am a new starblogger for the starblog! I just wanted to write a quick introductory post before posting any articles so you could get to know me a little!
- Stellt euch vor, ein kleines unscheinbares, schüchternes Mädchen spielt auf der Gitarre das Lied Mercy von Duffy, wird fast nicht zum Recall eingeladen, dominiert schließlich die ganze Show und gewinnt IDOL 2011.
- In einem Interview sprach Jennifer Aniston über ihr Schönheitsgeheimnis und dessen Effekte. Jens Strahlen fing nämlich an zu verblassen, daher vermeidet sie zu starke Sonne und benutzt stattdessen Sonnencreme oder Selbstbräuner. Kluges Mädchen!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"meisenberg
Beitrag: "♥Shoppingtipp♥ (3)"