November 2011
- While Ashley Greene and Robert Pattinson were off in Sweden promoting the latest Twilight flick Breaking Dawn, Nikki Reed and Jason Rathborne took on Spain! The duo looked scarily much in sync with their identical hair colors and quirky outfits, and it kinda made us think what a great on-screen (or perhaps even off-screen) couple they could have made! Don't you agree?
- We spotted Amy Adams spend some quality time with her fiancé Darren Le Gallo and their daughter Aviana at Mr Bones Pumpkin Patch in West Hollywood earlier this weekend. Aviana looked as cute as can be in a ballerina leopard costume, while her proud parents looked very attuned to one another and settled into the happy family life. Yes, drama-free families in Hollywood do in fact exist!
- Britney Spears iist zur Zeit bei ihrer Femme Fatale Tour mit Joe Jonas als Vorband unterwegs. Und das Publikum in London war echt überrascht, als BritBrit Joe auf die Bühne holte und für ihn einen Lap Dance macht.
- Wir sind immer wieder beindruckt von Reese Witherspoon's gutem Modegeschmack! Sie kann alles tragen und sieht immer toll aus! Wir lieben es, wie sie ihren Stil so entspannt hält mit Jeands, Röcken und Kardigans, aber sie fügt auch immer ein besonderes Detail dazu!
- Wir haben Lady Gaga gesehen und sie sah fantastisch aus! Wir lieben ihren großen pfirsichfarbenen Pelz, die Netzstrümpfe und die hellbraunen Louboutins!
- Wir freuen uns immer so sehr, wenn wir Orlando Bloom sehen! Wir haben ihn und einen Freund in NYC kürzlich gesehen und er sieht toll aus! Miranda Kerr ist wirklich eine glückliche Frau!
- Wir haben den Rocker, Pete Wentz mit seiner neuen Freundin Meagan Camper gesehen. Meagan hat den kleinen Bronx getroffen und so scheint es, als wäre es etwas Ernstes! Wir fragen uns, was Ashlee Simpson von Meagan hält! Wir sind uns sicher, sie ist hat die Beziehung überwunden, oder?!
- As you all know, Justin Timberlake gave up singing in the end of 2009 after having gotten a taste for acting. These last few years he has spent some hard work on relaunching himself as an actor and more recently as a rapper in the band FreeSol, but now he has apparently decided to quit everything all together! Justin recently told Esquire magazine that he wants to step out of the spotlight indefinitely so he can in his own words, "travel and be spontaneous."
Justin said, “I think you can work and work and work and never really live. The plan is to have no plan. I’ll probably travel, but I’d rather be spontaneous. I feel like I’ve earned at least a little bit of time to do that…There were times I was motivated by the fact I wanted to be the biggest music star in the world. Maybe it wasn’t a conscious thought, but it was an underlying theme. I’ve spent a lot of time feeling like I needed to validate so much of who I was by what I did.
After I turned 30 I started asking myself questions why… The only validation I crave now is to be inspired in the same way I’ve always been. That’s all I really owe myself at this point. If I stopped now, I could look at everything I’ve done and be so proud.”
Do you support Justin's decision to leave showbiz, or do you think that it's way too soon for him to be retiring? Personally, we would have preferred for his cute face to stick around a little longer!
- Dating ist hat und es ist ein , it's a Dschungel da draussen! Wieviele Frösche müsst ihr Küssen, bevor ihr den Prinzen findet? Wir helfen euch!
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