August 2011
- Jeepers creepers—platforms are back from the dead according to Prada’s 2011 spring collection. If you didn’t quite catch the shoes at first because of the banana tees and vibrant colors, you definitely heard them stomping down then runway. Prada dubs these puppies “creepers,” which seems appropriate considering they look a little old-men orthopedic. The first thing that came to our minds were the pure white Steve Madden platform sneakers circa the fifth grade. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Just watch an old episode of Two of A Kind starring none other than MK and A. We guess the new wave of these platforms are the sophisticated version? We even aren’t too sure, but you tell us—will you be getting a pair anytime soon? Here is Prada’s Oxford-ified x platform sneaker.
- Anna Kendrick is one of our favorite actresses, she has serious talent! Sometimes her red carpet fashion choices are a bit iffy, but if there's one thing we've learned about fashion it's that you can't go wrong with a pair of skinny jeans and a simple black top! Now if she would just do something about her hair!
Photo: Imaxtree
Christopher Kane is an inventive, talented, and all-together unique, new-to-the-scene fashion designer who we absolutely love. He’s somewhat of a fashion industry darling: he won this year’s British Fashion Council Fund and counts Donatella Versace as a mentor. Kane always manages to find something familiar and rework it into his designs in a never-before-done way. Take his resort 2011 collection, for instance, which featured beautiful celestial photos that look they came from the NASA website printed on simply-cut apparel…totally amazing. Kane always finds the border of what was he thinking? and why didn’t I think of that?, and while his resort 2011 looks fell in the latter, his fall 2011 ideas might be a part of the less fortunate former. Model after model appeared on the runway in basic black pieces decorated with plastic gel-filled trims and details that, honestly, kind of remind of us our Lisa Frank school supplies.
- This is so sweet! Harry Potter BFFs, Rupert Grint and Tom Felton, have remained in touch even after the end of their epic lives at Hogwarts. Tom was recently in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," and Rupert showed up to the premiere wearing a homemade shirt that said, "I Love Tom Felton." Ummm, adorable? Yes! Hey Rupert, we love Tom too!
- We just can't get enough of Leona Lewis, she's so gorgeous! We spotted Leona leaving Nobu wearing some of the hottest trends of this season: pleats, lace, and hot pink lips! We wish we looked that good all the time!
Photo: The Daily Mail
If you haven’t watched Lagerfeld Confidential—you should. But it also means you’ve probably never seen Karl Lagerfeld without his sunglasses on. The Chanel designer (/Magnum spokesperson/Volkswagen shiller/iPod connoisseur/Fendi designer) is rarely—ok, never—photographed without a pair of pitch black frames sitting atop his nose. Back in June he told us that “black glasses are very flattering, everyone looks better and without them they don’t look as beautiful.” So here is, vacationing in St. Tropez this weekend with his traditional posse of beautiful men. He has on all of his usual gear—tie, necklace, gloves, crisp collar—but the paparazzi caught him just before he pulled on his shades. So do you agree with him? Or does he look slightly more approachable with a visible face?
Es war einmal ein grosser brauner Teddybär:Er war nicht mehr neu. Er war nicht mehr schön.Aber er war warmherzig und gutmutig.Die meiste Zeit lag Teddybär still in der Ecke neben denn Fussball ohne Luft und der alten Lokomotive.Manchnmal holten sie Tddybär hervor ,um mit ihm zu spielen...
- We spotted Justin Timberlake out shopping in Paris, where he was promoting his new movie, Friends With Benefits. Wonder what he bought?!
- Es fühlt sich an, als sei es gestern gewesen, dass George Clooney mit seiner zweijährigen Freundin Elisabetta Canalis Schluss gemacht hat. Schon sahen wir George mit einer neuen Lady. Und sie ist niemand anderes als ein ehemaliger Wrestling-Star!Ihr Name ist Stacy Keibler und ihr kennt sie vielleicht von der amerikanischen Ausgabe von "Dancing With the Stars". George und Stacy kennen sich schon seit Längerem und beide sind gerade aus langjährigen Beziehungen gekommen. Sie sind also wahrscheinlich nicht nach was Ernstem aus. Stacy reiste neulich mit George nach Italien in seine Villa am Comer See, von wo aus sie tweetete: "Ich bin im Himmel." Klingt gut! Was haltet ihr von diesem Paar? Kann das was werden oder ist es nur ein Flirt? (lifeandstylemag)
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