Juli 2011
Hi liebe Leser heute präsentiere ich euch drei Stardolls der anderen Art und Weise .Sie sehen aus wie Gothic's .
Die drei Lady's haben ihre Ideen freien lauf gelassen....
Photo: Getty Images
In today’s weird music-meets-fashion news, Soulja Boy’s named his new EP after Bernard Arnault. Arnault, who is the chairman and CEO of LVMH and oversees Louis Vuitton, Dior, Céline and Marc Jacobs among other brands, has been in the news even more than usual given the John Galliano scandal and the open Creative Director spot at Dior. But Soulja Boy’s more concerned with real versus fake Louis than the inner workings of Arnault’s huge company. In Louis Vuitton he sings, “Louis, Louis, all she keeps saying is Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuttion…I came out the water, LV shades on swagging cross the border…Louis, Louis…LV Bags, LV pants with that LV sag.…It don’t make no sense why they LV fake, but mine’s real,” on and on and, well, you get the idea. The best part is, as WWD points out, that he calls Monsieur Arnault Robert at least twice on the album.
- Rachel Bilson wurde in letzter Zeit so ziemlich überall fotografiert! Aus gutem Grund! Sie spielt in der neuen TV-Serie "Hart of Dixie" mit, die im Herbst direkt nach "Gossip Girl" Premiere hat! Die Serie wird mit Hits wie "Gilmore Girls", "Everwood" und "Felicity" verglichen. Es könnte genau die positive, romantische Dramaserie sein, auf die wir gewartet haben!Macht euch darauf gefasst, noch mehr von Rachel zu sehen! Wir lieben sie!
Hallo Leute!
Wie gesagt mache ich ja drei schönsten Outfits der Woche. Aber nicht damit....
- Hallo zusammen! Stardoll hatte eine Idee und stellte neue Artikel im Laden 'Killah' hinein! Die Artikell könnt ihr im Starplaza kaufen. Von meiner Seite aus lohnen sich die Artikel sehr!
Photos: Peter Lindbergh for Coach
Gwyneth Paltrow’s Coach ads have landed. The actress was rumored to be starring in a Reed Krakoff campaign after being spotted in New York with the designer, but Coach confirmed she’d be their international face in honor of the brand’s 70th anniversary. Paltrow’s ads will run in Europe and Asia this fall, but thanks to the Internet we’ll still see them! Peter Lindbergh shot the actress, who was just nominated for an Emmy for her role on Glee, on top of the Tudor City skyscrapers in New York.
Das neue Hot Buys Dress ist da. Es ist von bizou und kostet 25 Stardoller.
Das Kleid ist in verschiedenen lila Tönen gehalten und sieht sommerlich frisch aus.
- We always look forward to summer's biggest blockbusters, but what we like even more is the fashion at the premieres! Beautiful dresses in hot summer styles, yes please! This week some of our favorite celebs pulled out all of the stops for premieres and fun summer events! Some of our favorites were Chloe Moretz, Clemence Poesy, and of course Zooey Deschanel. We love their use of summer colors in fun, unexpected ways like Chloe's lavender heels or Zooey's bright florals!
Guten Tag!
Nach längererZeit gibt es auf stardoll wieder eine neue Killah-Kollektion. Die neu augestockten Klamotten finden sich auf 2 Etagen wieder. Die Kollektion ist sehr bunt gehalten
- Celebrities like to change things up and a lot of times that means cutting off their precious curls! But just like us, celebs aren't always so eager to chop off their hair in an extreme style like pop singer Robyn. Maybe that's why when stars cut their hair they keep it simple. They go for the shoulder length hair cut. Some have their locks cut off right above the shoulder, like Paris Hilton. While others, like Miley Cyrus, chose to have it falling over the shoulder.Actually it's pretty practical, if you have long hair this hairdo isn't too short so you will probably get used to it super fast. And if you end up hating it, well then it doesn't take too long until it grows back out again. Or just do as the celebrities when they are tired of shorter hair, get extensions! But what do you guys prefer? Long tresses or a shorter cut?
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"