Juli 2011
Photo: Splash News
When electo-pop, acoustic guitar, and indie rock collide, you get Brit songwriter/singer Ellie Goulding. Wearing her heart on her sleeve (when she wears sleeves), the 24-year old mixes euphoric melodies with soulful tunes about love, obsession, and fear. With a cutting edge sound, it comes as no surprise that the coy Miss Goulding has no problem mixing leather, sequins, and suede. She has even been spotted with purple and pink hair. You go, Goulding! With a number-1 album in the U.K., we think it’s only a matter of time before she’s climbing the charts here in the U.S., which is why we have our eye on this one. Our buddy Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low even dubbed her song ‘Under The Sheets‘ as his favorite song of the moment. Not to mention her outfits are always too cool. Follow in Goulding’ stylin footsteps with these pieces we’ve found.
Photo: Splash News
There’s nothing wrong with being the cat’s meow, especially when we have the accessories to go along. Whip out your old ’50s/’60s-inspired poodle skirts and cat-eye glasses (OK, maybe leave the skirt at home)—we’ve recently spotted our fav celebs strolling about in these retro shades. Are you a fan of this look? Or should the cat eye lens be buried in the fashion cemetery alongside velour tracksuits? Check out how these celebrities rock the look and try on a pair for yourself!
Photo: Courtesy of our friend Dani
You love a good search. If it’s one of a kind, you’ve gotta have it. When people ask, “where did you get that?”, you smirk because you know it’s that keen eye of yours that keeps others fascinated. And it’s true: some people have the eye for these wondrous goods, and others just don’t. But hey, what are we here for? To make your fashion vision 20/20. Read up on some tips to make sure you score the most perfect vintage piece next time you hit the flea markets. Vintage muses unite!
Halli Hallo:D
Heute habe ich mir das rote Karohemd von Pretty n' Love- jcpenney für "Wer hat es am Besten kombiniert" ausgesucht. Es kostet 98 Starmünzen und ist somit auch für Non-SS erhältlich. Bekommen könnt Ihr es wenn Ihr bei Suche: rot+ tops eingebt.
So, hier kommen jedenfalls die 3 Dolls:
- We're sensing a big velvet comeback this fall! We've seen a lot of celebs wearing velvet this summer and we have a feeling that it's just a hint of what's to come. But we're a bit torn, do we love or hate velvet?
Some celebs like Ashley Tisdale and Kelly Osbourne know how to rock velvet but others like Jessica Biel and Anna Kendrick just look like a 90's throwback. Velvet is a difficult fabric to wear and can easily look too stuffy. If you want to experiment with velvet we suggest going subtle and pairing velvet with another fabric, like a velvet skirt with a cotton top or a pair of lush, velvet heels!
What do you guys think? Will you wear velvet this fall/winter?
- Having trouble getting your cute butt out of that comfy couch for a work out? Yup, we’ve been there! But celebrities like Lauren Conrad, Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian know that the best and most EFFECTIVE way to work out is to do it with someone you know! So take your girlfriend, boyfriend, or sister out for a jog or a power walk! You can gossip about you latest flirt while trimming your legs at the same time, how perfect is that!?
- Scheint so, als ob jeder Star, den wir sehen, in metallenen Farben gekleidet ist! Wir sahen Charlize Theron in silber, Busy Phillips in gold, Lauren Conrad in bronze und Whitney Port in leuchtendem saphir.
- Unsere Anleitung zu einem perfekten Kleiderschrank geht weiter! Heute geht es um eines der wichtigsten Accessoires eines Outfits: Die Schuhe! Ein Paar Schuhe, das wirklich für jede Gelegenheit richtig ist, sind High Heels! Schwarze Heels funktionieren mit jedem Outfit, ob es um eine angesagte Party oder ein bisschen Pepp im Alltag geht! Mila Kunis trägt ihre Heels mit einem glamourösen, blauen Kleid...
- Do you think that celebs get the star treatment all the time? Well this is proof that they don't! Nope, here you can see Vanessa Hudgens pumping gas...without any help... just like an everyday person!
Sasha Pivovarova in In Time.
When the trailer for In Time hit the Internet earlier this week, the fashion world was far more concerned with a split second cameo than Justin Timberlake‘s action packed sequences. Sasha Pivovarova, the feline Russian model, makes her acting debut in the futuristic feature playing Amanda Seyfried’s grandmother, Clara (which sounds crazy, but in the future people apparently stop aging at 25). When Emily Dougherty, ELLE’s Beauty Director, interviewed Seyfried for our April cover story, Seyfried dished on her new model friend. “Oh my god, she’s just amazing,” she said, “I almost didn’t talk to her the whole time because I was nervous.” It’d be impossible not to be familiar with Pivovarova’s face, but even Seyfried was taken aback, “She shows up in the trailer one day and looks nothing like she does in pictures…We have similar shapes, there’s a similar thing going on. Wide set eyes, cheekbones, blonde, the lips. I always thought on my best day I could maybe one day look like [her].” The two had something else in common—a wig. “She wore my second wig,” Seyfried said of their matching ginger bobs.
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